Run smarter, not harder! Amanda Brooks and Laura Norris, MS bring their combined 20 years of coaching experience to break down common running myths, running tip...
Mobility is a buzzword in the fitness space - but what does it actually mean? Can improving your mobility help you run faster? Do you need complicated routines, or just a few intentional movements? We sort through the trends to bring you an evidence-based and practical approach to mobility for runners.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
The difference between mobility and flexibility
Why does mobility matter for runners?
The relationship between mobility, flexibility, and running economy
Does greater mobility reduce your injury risk?
Does foam rolling improve mobility?
How to do mobility exercises for runners
Does yoga count as mobility
This episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their Muscle Health Plus contains third-party tested creatine monohydrate, BCAAs, and other ingredients to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle mass and strength. Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at
💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews.
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👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Haff & Triplett, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. Human Kinetics.
Dicharry, Jay. Running Rewired. 2nd edition.
PMID: 38446400
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101: How to Run Faster by Using Cross-Training for Runners with Mary Johnson
Is cross-training just for injured runners, or could it unlock your best running performance? We are joined in this episode by Mary Johnson, a running coach who recently ran a 3:08 at CIM. Mary has embraced cross-training as both an athlete and a coach; in this episode, she shares how it’s helped her get faster - and how it can do the same for you.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
What counts as cross-training for runners?
If all runners benefit from cross-training
How doing workouts in cross-training can improve your fitness
If your heart rate is the same on cross-training workouts
How to motivate yourself to do cross-training
If cross-training is ever detrimental for runners
Mary has been a running coach since 2016 and is the founder of the popular Lift Run Perform coaching group. You can connect with her at itsamarython on Instagram or email at [email protected].
💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews.
🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
100: Understanding Different Marathon Training Plans and Methodologies
You’ve likely encountered all sorts of different marathon training plans - Higdon, Hansons, Run Less Run Faster, Low Heart Rate, and more. You may have wondered which of these plans, if any, is right for you - and we are here to take that guesswork out for you! In this episode, two seasoned running coaches examine different marathon training methodologies.
This is episode 100 and we want to thank each and everyone of you for listening and supporting the podcast!
Discussion points include:
Defining the 80/20 principle
The Hansons Marathon Method
MAF Method/Low Heart Rate Training
The Run Less, Run Faster Method
Jack Daniels Formula/VDOT
Canova/Percentage-Based Methods
This episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their Muscle Health Plus contains third-party tested creatine monohydrate, BCAAs, and other ingredients to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle mass and strength. Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at
💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews.
🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
99: Does Heel Striking Cause Injury? Myth vs Science on Running Injuries
Is heel striking bad? Should you change your running form? You’ve probably heard conflicting answers on your questions about running injuries - so we bring the science to work through myth vs supported theory on running injuries. We also share approaches for actually reducing your injury risk - and these may surprise you.
Discussion points include:
Does heel striking cause injury?
Should you change your running form?
Do max-cushioned shoes increase injury risk?
Did you get injured because you didn’t stretch enough?
Can running on concrete cause injury?
Will zero drop running shoes reduce injury risk?
Can you skip eating before runs?
Is strength training protective against injury?
What can you do to mitigate injury risk?
This episode is sponsored by Final Surge. Whether you are a running coach or an athlete, start your new year off strong with Final Surge! Final Surge offers training plans for runners of all abilities, as well as a user-friendly platform to track your progress. If you are a coach, Final Surge provides a comprehensive training platform to develop plans and analyze your ath
Go to and use RUNTOTHEFINISH for 10% off your first coaching purchase (monthly or yearly) or RUNTOTHEFINISH for 10% off any training plan purchase.
PMID: 38053265
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PMID: 22927504
Ryan Norris, Mechanical Engineering PE (on explanation of concrete vs asphalt)
💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews.
🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
98: Is Sugar Bad for Runners? Dispelling Common Fueling Myths with Cortney Berling, RD, MPH
You’ve likely heard that high sugar consumption has health risks - so how do you reconcile that with your need to fuel as a runner? Is sugar bad for runners, or is it a necessary fuel source for your fastest running and healthiest self? (Spoiler: it's the latter!) We brought on Cortney Berling, RD, MPH, to dispel common myths about sugar for runners.
Discussion points include:
Defining the different types of sugar
What’s the difference between using candy and gels on runs?
Whole foods vs engineered sports nutrition products
Does sugar have the same impact on your blood sugar while running as it does at rest?
Do runners need to worry about the health risks of taking sugar in gels?
When and how should you fuel your runs?
Is it beneficial to combine different types of sugars on your runs?
What should runners do about their sugar cravings?
Can you train your body to not need sugar during a run?
This episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their probiotic provides 30 million CFUS with six bacteria strains - and unlike other brands, their probiotic works! Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at
Thank you for Cortney for joining us! Cortney Berling is a registered dietitian focused on working with runners and female athletes. You can connect with Cortney on Instagram: better or work with her at
💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews.
🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend!
👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Run smarter, not harder! Amanda Brooks and Laura Norris, MS bring their combined 20 years of coaching experience to break down common running myths, running tips, and more. We provide evidence-based running tips for runners of all distances and experiences.