Greg Morse | The miserable Christian is a billboard for Satan. If those who know God toil on, sorrowful and never rejoicing, God appears a very poor treasure indeed.
Do You Fight for Joy?
John Piper | The enemies to our joy in God are many, but so are the weapons he has given for the fight — including his promise to help us prevail.
No One’s Born to Preach: The Myth and Truth of Pulpit ‘Gifting’
David Mathis | God may make believers in a moment, but he makes preachers over a lifetime. If you desire to preach, but doubt your present ability, envision the long arc, and seek to make progress over decades.
Go Get Her: To Men Delaying Marriage
Greg Morse | When it comes to getting married, Martin Luther does not mince words: “Stop thinking about it and go to it right merrily.” Young men, God helping you, find a wife.
Awe with Audacity: The Spirit of Christian Prayer
David Mathis | Our God is a great King, whom we approach with awe. And he is our Father, whom we run to with confidence. How does Christian prayer balance this paradox?