This is a weekly podcast of funny stories for kids. There are side-splitting versions of my own fractured fairy tales. Also short stories from some of my best-s...
'Fin McCool and the Fire Breathing Fairy' a told by Nanny Piggins
At the age of ten years old, Fin McCool decides to become the leader of a band of warrior hunters. No one else thinks this is a good idea. So Fin takes on a fire breathing fairy to prove herself.Support the show at If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... buy one of my books use this link... To buy me a coffee use this link...
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'Odysseus and the Bag of Wind' as told by Nanny Piggins
When the retired army colonel who lives around the corner (and is deeply in love with Nanny Piggins) asks Derrick not to "let the cat out of the bag", this triggers a discussion about a much worse thing that Odysseus let out of a bag several thousand years ago.If you'd like to pre-order a signed copy of new book EPICALLY GOOD GREEK MYTHS here's a link... you're overseas and you'd like to order a bookplate sticker here's the link for that... the show at If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... buy one of my books use this link... To buy me a coffee use this link...
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'Huengbu and Nolbu' as told by Nanny Piggins
When a vindictive game of monopoly leads to financial ruin, a broken leg brings unexpected good fortune in the form of a pumpkin. At least, that's Nanny Piggins' version of events according to her relatives who were there at the time.If you want to pre-order a copy of 'Epically Good Greek Myths' which goes on sale in March 2025, here's the link... the show at If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... buy one of my books use this link... To buy me a coffee use this link...
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'Odysseus and the Cyclops' as told by Nanny Piggins
Nanny Piggins tells the tale of what really happened to Odysseus when she was trapped in a cave with a hungry Cyclops and nothing to defend herself except a jug of chocolate milk.Support the show at If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... buy one of my books use this link... To buy me a coffee use this link...
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Friday Barnes and the Case of the Bunya Bunya Pine
When the school caretaker is knocked out by a giant pine cone, Friday suspects that something more sinister may have happened.Support the show at If you enjoyed the podcast please like, review and/or subscribe!Support the showFor merchandise use this link... buy one of my books use this link... To buy me a coffee use this link...
This is a weekly podcast of funny stories for kids. There are side-splitting versions of my own fractured fairy tales. Also short stories from some of my best-selling books, featuring characters from 'The Adventures of Nanny Piggins' and 'Friday Barnes, Girl Detective'. The stories are perfect for bedtime, long car rides or even if you're just stuck waiting a really long time at the doctor's office. They're written for 7-11 year olds but these are tales the whole family can enjoy. The silliness is ageless. I hope you enjoy listening to this as much as I enjoy recording it. After years of being a children's author, typing away in my office with only my goldfish for company, I was bursting to tell my stories out-loud and with lots of silly voices! So please - sit back, get comfy and enjoy some amazing, some silly and some just plain ludicous tales direct from my imagination to you.