Climate Solutions 101 | Presented by Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown
Your climate solutions journey begins now. Filled with the latest need-to-know science and fascinating insights from global leaders in climate policy, research,...
What to do with roughly 80 global, sector-spanning solutions to climate change? Shift them from concept to reality in three important waves. As Climate Solutions 101 comes to a close, hear more about deploying cost-effective solutions, changing our infrastructure, and innovating new technologies across sectors. By now you know that reaching drawdown is only possible through bold action. What role will you play in building a better future?
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Unit 5: Putting It All Together
Clear paths to safe, equitable drawdown exist today: reducing sources, supporting sinks, and building a more equal human society all play pivotal roles. Take a closer look—from critical features to dollars and cents—at Project Drawdown’s Framework for Climate Solutions, and explore dozens of known paths to a more hopeful inflection point. Learn why comprehensive, equitable climate action is the largest business and job creation opportunity in human history.
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Unit 4: Supporting Sinks and Improving Society
Three cheers for carbon sinks! Get to know these climate solution powerhouses (from the land, sea, and labs) by exploring the best ways to keep them strong. From shifting agriculture practices and addressing human diets to restoring marine ecosystems, this unit delves into the opportunities and limitations of sinks as a tool to reach drawdown. Finally, take a step back to see the critical importance of centering human equality in the race to shift climate solutions to global action.
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Unit 3: Reducing Sources
How can we stop harmful emissions in their tracks? Discover fascinating, up-to-date methods for halting emissions before they reach the atmosphere. This unit walks through the five largest sources of greenhouse gases—electricity, food, industry, transportation, and buildings—bringing the path to a safer, low-carbon economy into sharper relief. Learn which sources make up the biggest slices of the global emissions pie.
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Unit 2: Stopping Climate Change
To achieve drawdown—the point when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start declining—it’s important to understand the sources of emissions and nature’s means of rebalancing the climate system. In this unit: Explore the sources and impacts of greenhouse gases, and zero-in on three critical principles: reducing sources, supporting nature’s “sinks” for storing carbon, and centering equality in global action.
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Twitter: @ProjectDrawdown
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Facebook: Project Drawdown
About Climate Solutions 101 | Presented by Project Drawdown
Your climate solutions journey begins now. Filled with the latest need-to-know science and fascinating insights from global leaders in climate policy, research, investment, and beyond, this video series is a brain-shift toward a brighter climate reality.
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