Danish Lessons: Dansk på farten / Danish on the go
Mathilde - Private Online Lessons
This podcast is made specifically for busy people who would like to learn to speak Danish. Whether you're commuting to work, cooking, or simply enjoying your fa...
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om hverdagsrutiner og -aktiviteter.In this episode, you will learn how to talk about daily routines and activities.Vi skal høre to personer, Lise og Mikkel, fortælle om deres hverdagsrutiner.We will hear two people, Lise and Mikkel, talk about their daily routines.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast
Episode 11: Nyt tøj / New clothes
I denne episode skal du lære, hvad man siger, når man skal ud at købe tøj. Du skal lære, hvordan man spørger om størrelser, udtrykker præferencer og foretager køb.In this episode, you will learn what to say when you're going clothes shopping.You will learn phrases for asking about sizes, as well as how to express preferences and make purchases.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast
Episode 10: Ferie / Holiday
I denne episode skal du lære at tale om at booke hotel og fly. Du skal også lære, hvordan man taler om seværdigheder og rejsedestinationer.In this episode, you will learn how to talk about booking hotels and flights. You will also learn how to talk about sights and travel destinations.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast
Episode 9: På stationen / At the station
I denne episode skal du lære, hvordan man køber en billet og rejser med offentlig transport. In this episode, you will learn how to buy a ticket and travel by public transport.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast
Episode 8: Mit hjem / My home
I denne episode skal du lære, hvordan man beskriver sit hjem, de forskellige rum og møbler samt det område, man bor i. In this episode, you will learn how to describe your home, the different rooms and furniture, as well as the area you live in.Vi skal høre to personer, Lars og Emilie, fortælle om deres hjem. We will hear two people, Lars and Emilie, talk about their homes.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast
About Danish Lessons: Dansk på farten / Danish on the go
This podcast is made specifically for busy people who would like to learn to speak Danish. Whether you're commuting to work, cooking, or simply enjoying your favourite podcasting moments, this podcast can help you practise and improve your Danish.Each episode is designed to guide you through everyday scenarios, providing practical language skills that you can immediately apply in real-life situations. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to refine your Danish skills, my engaging content will help you build a strong foundation in the language.If you would like to learn or practise Danish with me, please visit my website at privateonlinelessons.co.uk/podcast