The weekly friendly debate show. Every month, we take an iconic set of three items from pop culture or the world we live in and pit them against each other.
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Human Organs: Judgement
Who will be crowned the winner? And who will threaten each other’s organs with harm! Judge: Eric Hamilton SchneiderTongue: Moiya McTierLungs: Mike SchubertKidneys: Brandon GrugleProduced by: Eric SilverEdited and mixed by: Mischa StantonCollective: Multitude Get access to years’ worth of Head Heart Gut by joining the MultiCrew!
Human Organs: Kidneys
A WET BED! Kidneys: Brandon GrugleTongue: Moiya McTierLungs: Mike SchubertProduced by: Eric SilverEdited and mixed by: Mischa StantonCollective: Multitude Get access to years’ worth of Head Heart Gut by joining the MultiCrew!
Human Organs: Lungs
*Sting voice* Every breath you take, I’ll be arguing it. Lungs: Mike SchubertKidneys: Brandon GrugleTongue: Moiya McTierProduced by: Eric SilverEdited and mixed by: Mischa StantonCollective: Multitude Get access to years’ worth of Head Heart Gut by joining the MultiCrew!
Human Organs: Tongue
*Brian David Gilbert voice* Lick-i-tung and Licki-licky Tongue: Moiya McTierLungs: Mike SchubertKidneys: Brandon GrugleProduced by: Eric SilverEdited and mixed by: Mischa StantonCollective: MultitudeGet access to years’ worth of Head Heart Gut by joining the MultiCrew!
The weekly friendly debate show. Every month, we take an iconic set of three items from pop culture or the world we live in and pit them against each other.
Get access to the show by joining the Multicrew at!
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