In a festive episode that - true to tradition is going out in mid-January - we catch up about our own writing, plus we talk to the brilliant Erin Kelly about getting (and staying) published, trends and lessons learned.
S8E02 - With special guest Liane Moriarty
Liane, Gilly and Holly talk work/life balance, coming up with fresh ideas, meeting readers, fate, parenting and a whole bunch of other extremely relatable things.
S8E01 - We're BACK! And we have Blake Crouch with us.
Gillian and Holly grill Blake Crouch about his journey to publication, getting adapted, becoming a showrunner and coming up with new ideas.
S7E05 - We answer listener questions!
Gilly and Holly answer a whole heap of quick fire listener questions on plotting, writers' block, the publishing industry, making a living as an author and more!
S7E04 - Our Achilles Heels, plus chat about reviews
We chat our Achilles heels, plus chat about reviews and Mastermind specialist subjects, and - what we don't talk about - why our voices are so husky and coldy.