Jeff and Scott examine these passages against the backdrop of Jesus' travel narratives. They also share relatable insights from these Gospel passages about how to handle anxiety and fear. Today's reading: Luke 12:1-34
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Day 26: True Blessedness
Jeff and Scott discuss how these passages are an invitation into intimacy with Jesus, and how we can be fed on the Word of God. They also give a variety of insight into what Jesus calls the Sign of Jonah. Today's reading: Luke 11:27-54
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Day 25: The Lords Prayer
Jeff and Scott discuss the Lord's Prayer (Our Father) in the context of Jesus' travel narratives. They explore the prayer's connections to the Exodus and the theme of Jubilee. Today's reading: Luke 11:1-26
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Day 24: The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Jeff and Scott unpack the story and complex history behind the parable of the Good Samaritan. They also offer insights into the story of Mary and Martha. Today's reading: Luke 10:25-42
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Day 23: The Mission of the Seventy
Jeff and Scott discuss how Jesus sends out seventy disciples before him to spread the kingdom. They unpack the connections between this story and Numbers 11:16-30, where Moses sends out seventy elders. Today's reading: Luke 10:1-24
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