In a world constantly pushing us to chase more—more wealth, more success, more recognition—how do we find true peace and fulfillment and be content with what we have? What are the enemies of contentment? And what is the secret of contentment that unlocks the path that only God can unveil?
You Need More Joy | Preston Morrison
Having joy is essential to the abundant life. So the question is, how do we access more of it? Where does joy come from? How does the Lord see joy? And what can we do that ultimately increases HIS joy?
You Can’t Do This By Yourself | Preston Morrison
One of the easiest ways the enemy attacks is in isolation — but when we have community, we not only can combat attacks when they come, we get stronger. So what are the dangers of isolation? What does Biblical community look like? How do we get Biblical community? And even though we know we need it, why do we often run from it?
Why Must Disciples Endure? | Brent Hatchett
As disciples of Jesus, we are not called to a life of easy. Trials and tribulations are a guarantee in this life — but how do you see them while you’re in the midst of them? How can we shift our perspective on endurance? What are the benefits of enduring? And how does God respond when choose the path of endurance, even when it’s not easy?
The Healthy Habit of Honesty | Preston Morrison
Honesty is essential to becoming the person that God is calling you to be. We must be honest with God, we must be honest with others, and we must be honest with ourselves. So how honest are you --really? What lies are you currently believing? And what would it look like to begin living a more honest life?