Join railway engineer and writer Gareth Dennis plus a wide range of guests on his semi-topical weekly talk show about all things rail...
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#Railnatter Episode 239: Vancouver's SkyTrain and what we can learn from it
I'm delighted to say we're joined this week by genuine Vancouverite Cariad Heather Keigher, who takes us on a tour of the SkyTrain and the messy history that created it. Don't worry though - it's actually very good!
We chart the fall of the interurbans and the rise of this not-a-gadgetbahn system as it grew across the city, and consider what's next in store for Vancouver. There's a lot for us to learn, positive and negative, and it's all wrapped up in this week's episode.
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#Railnatter Episode 238: How a Sheffield Crossrail would boost South Yorkshire
Okay, so if by Crossrail we mean high capacity suburban rail - yes. And in this episode we'll look at exactly what that might look like for Sheffield and the wider South Yorkshire area. There will be maps!
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#Railnatter Episode 237: Bad budget, worse election (it's a news ep/struggle sesh)
We've an awful lot of news to get through, not least the horrible budget from last week and the dismal election results in the US announced today.
Those big stories aren't all of what we'll cover, though. There's a lot of interesting stuff going on that's worth us all talking about together!
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#Railnatter Episode 236: Are cars really the future of green transport? (NO!)
In October 2024, the supposedly left-leaning Resolution Foundation released a report into the role of electric cars and public transport in reducing UK greenhouse gas emissions to zero.
The report was... awful. And in this episode, we'll pick through why via a traditional page-turn!
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#Railnatter Episode 235: Ireland's railways 3. What about the future?
In the third of our three-part miniseries on Ireland, we are joined by Iain (anoniaino on Twitter!) to talk about the what Ireland's railways are facing in the future! We've thought about the past and about what the issues are today, now we think about what is planned for the future, and if it is good enough!
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Join railway engineer and writer Gareth Dennis plus a wide range of guests on his semi-topical weekly talk show about all things rail...
This podcast is uploaded after the live (or live-ish) show has finished on YouTube at 7pm (UK time) on Wednesdays.