Cara Santa Maria is a science communicator, television host, producer, and journalist. She is excited to present "Talk Nerdy," a place for conversations with in...
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by conservation scientist and award-winning science writer, Lauren E. Oakes. They talk about her latest book on the global reforestation movement, “Treekeepers: The Race for a Forested Future.” Follow Lauren: @OakesLE
Animal Medicine w/ Jaap De Roode
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by Emory University professor of biology and director of the Infectious Diseases across Scales Training Program, Dr. Jaap De Roode. They discuss his new book, “Doctors by Nature: How Ants, Apes, and Other Animals Heal Themselves.”
Trans Technologies w/ Oliver Haimson
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by Assistant Professor at University of Michigan School of Information, Oliver L. Haimson. They talk about his forthcoming book, Trans Technologies. Follow Oliver: @haimson
Revolutionary Self w/ Lynn Hunt
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by historian and Distinguished Research Professor at UCLA, Dr. Lynn Hunt. They discuss Lynn’s newest book, The Revolutionary Self: Social Change and the Emergence of the Modern Individual, 1770-1800.
What's Real About Race w/ Rina Bliss
In this episode of Talk Nerdy, Cara is joined by award-winning author and associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University, Dr. Rina Bliss. They discuss Rina’s new book, "What's Real about Race? Untangling Science, Genetics, and Society". Follow Rina: Dr.rinabliss
Cara Santa Maria is a science communicator, television host, producer, and journalist. She is excited to present "Talk Nerdy," a place for conversations with interesting people about interesting topics.