A Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast. Ancient Brits play D&D 5E as they lurch headlong through the classic Paizo Age of Worms Adventure Path! Join us at our...
It’s time for the Slayers to explore the deadly lair of N’vesh. But first they must deal with Scaly’s worm infestation.
Episode 223 – Them Belly Full (but We Hungry)
We chat with Dan from The Danger Club Podcast before returning to the Wormcrawl Fissure! The Slayers are beset on all sides by giant creepy-crawlies. Is Scaly about to be swallowed by a centipede?
Episode 222 – Road Runner
The terrifying Ulgurstasta sorceror N’vesh has appeared! Can Sessions survive its Word of Horrible?
Episode 221 – A Thousand Feet
The Failures have led the gang to the threshold of a mysterious cave, but what is that ominous rumbling?
Episode 220 – Art for Art’s Sake
The Slayers venture into the Wormcrawl Fissure. What horrors will they find there? Winged fiends? Skeletal totems? Incredibly annoying NPCs?
A Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast. Ancient Brits play D&D 5E as they lurch headlong through the classic Paizo Age of Worms Adventure Path! Join us at our table for a mix of adventure, laughs and hapless incompetence. But mostly hapless incompetence.