A Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast. Ancient Brits play D&D 5E as they lurch headlong through the classic Paizo Age of Worms Adventure Path! Join us at our...
The Slayers have encountered Thessalar the lich, who is not best pleased at their intrusion! Can they survive his eldritch magicks and break into his fortress?
Episode 228 – Scientist Meets the Space Invaders
The Slayers teleport to safety, but now they must face a greater challenge: Dividing the loot.
Episode 227 – Belly of the Beast
The gargantuan worm sorceror N’vesh has rumbled Buggie’s plan to grab his treasure hoard! Can the crew still escape with the loot?
Episode 226 – Hiccup
While Uncle Buggie plunders the treasure chamber, the remaining Slayers take on the might of N’Vesh!
Episode 225 – Away in a Danger
After a quick dip into Paul’s engorged Christmas sack, we are back to the action. Burple could be in trouble here…
A Dungeons & Dragons actual play podcast. Ancient Brits play D&D 5E as they lurch headlong through the classic Paizo Age of Worms Adventure Path! Join us at our table for a mix of adventure, laughs and hapless incompetence. But mostly hapless incompetence.