Join Magenta and Bernard as they invent smash hit movies based on popular toys, books, history and more! A podcast for anyone who likes Hollywood tropes. And co...
It's the SpOoOoOkY Halloween episode!
This time, Mags and Bernie are making a kooky stop-motion adventure starring the Hungry Hungry Hippos - going all the way back to 2500 BC!
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Sidescroller Verdict! Plus... another show...
In this special bonus episode, it's time to reveal whether Mags and Bernie have a movie!
After that, you'll get a little looksie at the latest season of their OG podcast, Madame Magenta: Sonos Mystica.
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S1E5 - Sidescroller with Jason Statham
This one came to Magenta in a dream... a SIDESCROLLER video game movie. Starring JASON STATHAM.
If the left side of the screen catches up with him... HE DIES.
That's really all you need to know.
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S1E4 - Furby and The Book Of Revelation
It's time to make a very respectful, very true-to-the-source-material, religious epic on a blockbuster scale!
Magenta and Bernard are adapting The Book Of Revelation with an all-star cast. Of Furbies.
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S1E3 - Sylvanian Families and TikTok Tradwives
It's a long one today! Because there's a lot to say about SYLVANIAN FAMILIES!
Magenta and Bernard devise a dark, satirical horror movie starring the little felted friends, and co-starring the sexiest animal-hybrid vampire you've ever seen.
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Join Magenta and Bernard as they invent smash hit movies based on popular toys, books, history and more! A podcast for anyone who likes Hollywood tropes. And comedy. And quantum mechanics. And BDSM. Something for everyone, really.
From Long Cat Media, the creators of Mockery Manor, The Ballad Of Anne & Mary, Madame Magenta and Magenta Presents.