We all want to live a life we desire and deserve versus merely existing. Each week, join Travis Howze, U.S. Marine, former Police Officer and Firefighter, World...
In this episode I discuss struggling through a heavy depressive episode that won't seem to end. I go on to talk about being human and not having everything figured out but refusing to give up. I also talk about seeking validation from external sources. Enjoy! Grab My Book "Create Your Own Light": https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0892dp6qj/Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travishowze/Website: www.travishowze.comVisit our Sponsor's website www.yourwelder.com or connect with them on social media.facebook.com/yourwelder and instagram.com/yourwelder
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Fake A$$ Brotherhood
In this episode I talk about the illusion of the First Responder Brotherhood. I go on to talk about the mindset of a young First Responder vs the mindset of a more veteran First Responder and how when you're down, people will rally around you. But when you're up, many of those same people want to see you fail. I also get into the superman vs family man complex. Enjoy! Grab My Book "Create Your Own Light": https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0892dp6qj/Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travishowze/Website: www.travishowze.comVisit our Sponsor's website www.yourwelder.com or connect with them on social media.facebook.com/yourwelder and instagram.com/yourwelder
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When You WIN You LOSE
In this episode I discuss the feeling of failing when you are winning and the emptiness associated with it. I go on to talk about the harshness of our communication and how it is received by those that are the closest to us. I also talk about the defiant nature of many First Responders and why it's so difficult to simply have fun in life. Enjoy! Grab My Book "Create Your Own Light": https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0892dp6qj/Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travishowze/Website: www.travishowze.comVisit our Sponsor's website www.yourwelder.com or connect with them on social media.facebook.com/yourwelder and instagram.com/yourwelder
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Product of Your Environment
In this episode I discuss the future, being human and changing your path in life regardless of your circumstances. Enjoy! Grab My Book "Create Your Own Light": https://www.amazon.com/dp/b0892dp6qj/Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/travishowze/Website: www.travishowze.comVisit our Sponsor's website www.yourwelder.com or connect with them on social media.facebook.com/yourwelder and instagram.com/yourwelder
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It Must Be Nice
In this episode I talk about the optics of life and what people see vs what they dont know. I also talk about why having a fall-back plan is not always the best solution to success. I further discuss being around people that want to see you fail vs succeed and how so many people want to take shortcuts through the very trail that others have blazed vs carving out their own path to success. I go on to explain families experiencing generational trauma and how you're only important to some people when you have something that they want, Enjoy!Â
We all want to live a life we desire and deserve versus merely existing. Each week, join Travis Howze, U.S. Marine, former Police Officer and Firefighter, World Touring Stand Up Comedian, Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author as he draws from a lifetime of experiences from unbelievably hysterical stories to unspeakable traumatic events and engages directly with his supporters and listeners, taking off-the-cuff questions and topic suggestions to produce a unique broadcast atmosphere, where you, the listener, has a say in the show. If you struggle with purpose, looking for inspiration, have a friend or loved one who could use support, or simply want to laugh and cry in your vehicle, couch, or go-to place, this podcast is a must for you!