In this Dog Tails we tackle the controversial topic of food. Deciding what to feed your dog can be a confusing process and there are many different opinions out there. We chat to Helen Moore of Wholesome Canine, a health and wellness space for dogs in Canada, to gain her perspective. We cover loads of key topics in this episode, such as the pet food industry, the types of options available for dogs, how to select a high-quality food, feeding bones and why good nutrition is so important. We loved having this conversation and hope you love listening to it!
Wholesome Canine:
'Metabolomics from a Diet Intervention in Atopic Dogs, a Model for Human Research?':
Books for home-cooked feeding and recipes include 'Home-Prepared Dog & Cat Diets - The Healthful Alternative' by Donald R. Strombeck (also available at and 'Real Food for Healthy Dogs & Cats' by Dr. Karen Becker. Helen also referred to 'Nutrigenomics' by Dr. Jean Dodds.
Dog Tails is produced by the Pet Dog Trainers of Europe ( Our aim is to build a world in which dogs are understood, respected and treated with kindness and empathy. You can help us by sharing this podcast and getting in touch at
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