The Farmers Weekly Podcast covers the big issues in the food and fibre sector.Each week managing editor Bryan Gibson presents a no-frills look at the news with ...
In this week’s show:Senior reporter Neal Wallace talks us through the The Future of Wool special report. He and Annette Scott spent the last few weeks talking to the major players in the strong wool industry and learned how they plan on returning value to farmers.AgriHQ senior analyst Suz Bremner joins the show to talk about the latest sale yard news. She says drought and access to feed is influencing some buying decisions, but prices are still strong across the country.Visiting Nuffield scholar Wilco Brouwer de Koning tells Bryan about life as a Dutch dairy farmer and says they’re facing the same regulatory and market-driven challenges we face in New Zealand. Wilko is researching how a biodiversity credit system might work to reward farmers and says transparency of data is the key to success.Federated Farmers Southland’s Dean Rabbidge says whole-farm forestry conversions are still occurring down south and he wants some answers from the government. The Prime Minister told farmers in Gore last year the practice would end, but Dean says there appears to be a loophole.
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Feature | Different countries, same farming challenges
Visiting Nuffield scholar Wilco Brouwer de Koning tells Bryan about life as a Dutch dairy farmer and says they’re facing the same regulatory and market-driven challenges we face in New Zealand.Wilko is researching how a biodiversity credit system might work to reward farmers and says transparency of data is the key to success.
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News Wrap | The future of strong wool
Senior reporter Neal Wallace talks us through the The Future of Wool special report. He and Annette Scott spent the last few weeks talking to the major players in the strong wool industry and learned how they plan on returning value to farmers.
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Market Insight | Drought does little to dent livestock markets
AgriHQ senior analyst Suz Bremner joins the show to talk about the latest sale yard news. She says drought and access to feed is influencing some buying decisions, but prices are still strong across the country.
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Feds Focus | Answers sought on continued afforestation
Federated Farmers Southland’s Dean Rabbidge tells Bryan that whole-farm forestry conversions are still occurring down south and he wants some answers from the government.The Prime Minister told farmers in Gore last year the practice would end, but Dean says there appears to be a loophole.
The Farmers Weekly Podcast covers the big issues in the food and fibre sector.Each week managing editor Bryan Gibson presents a no-frills look at the news with the Farmers Weekly editorial team and the newsmakers they report on.It’s rich farming news for time-poor farmers.