We interview people on all things KINGDOM. From deep spiritual realities to practical natural application we get real, raw and cover it all.
FUSE LIFE is dedi...
162: Wealth Building & Solomon’s Reign With Marios Ellinas
- Marios grew up on the island of Cyprus, where he served as a Green Beret in the Cypriot Special Forces. - He studied history at the College of New Jersey and the University of Connecticut and is known internationally as a motivational speaker and author. - He has published numerous inspirational books, including the best-sellers Weaponised Honour and Tables & Platforms. - For more than twenty years, Marios established and nurtured relationships with leaders from the realms of business, government, law enforcement, ministry, and the military; consequently, he is valued by highly influential individuals as a trusted consultant, on a personal and professional level. - Marios owns Sownlend Consulting LLC; is a senior partner in Origin Wealth Consulting LLC; and serves as Chief Operating Officer of Ariel Global Foundation. - Marios and his wife Danielle live in Connecticut, USA. They have three grown children. https://mariosellinas.com/ https://mariosellinas.com/shop-full/ Join our Group Mentorship Program: ► Royal Hybrids Understand The Truth About Your Purpose: ► Watch My FREE Purpose= IAM Training  Book A Free Discovery Call with Me ► iamjosephwilson.com ✅ Subscribe to FUSE LIFE on YouTube Follow us on social media ✅ Facebook  +   Instagram â–ºPurchase my Bestselling book "The NO B.S. GUIDE TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE" on Amazon NOW! Â
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161: Raising Kids in a Warzone with Jono Macleod
Jono is the proud husband of Destinee and father to 3 gorgeous girls. He Grew up in a small town in New Zealand, miraculously healed of a bone infection, set free from porn addiction, graduated med school with my wifey, and at the age of 30 followed Jesus (with our toddler & baby) into the middle of a civil war in South Sudan, the world's youngest country. Got to live my dream for 10 years helping an awesome team establish a hospital for children and pregnant mothers. Had crazy adventures driving into the African bush to run medical clinics, establish water wells and village schools, and tell people Jesus loves them. They are now serving almost 100 villages with our programmes, and have trained 6000 volunteers who teaching health lessons and leading community development in their villages. Join our Group Mentorship Program: ► Royal Hybrids Understand The Truth About Your Purpose: ► Watch My FREE Purpose= IAM Training  Book A Free Discovery Call with Me ► iamjosephwilson.com ✅ Subscribe to FUSE LIFE on YouTube Follow us on social media ✅ Facebook  +   Instagram â–ºPurchase my Bestselling book "The NO B.S. GUIDE TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE" on Amazon NOW!  Â
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160: DNA of Christian Leadership with Bob Smart
Bob is an innovator and lateral thinker - primarily an introvert who has spent his work career functioning as an extrovert. He started as a secondary school teacher, retrained as a church planter, and set up a college to train others how to transform their communities.  Then got spotted by a team working in Latin America so became involved in City Transformation in multiple cities. Even became a Bishop! Then, in Bogotá, he realised he’d never done a 'proper job' so won an MBA and then launched into the world of IT, won some large deals, helped save the NHS during Covid, introduced AI to computer support systems and ended as the Managing Director of an augmented reality company.  - Trekking and very slow ultra marathons - Teaching - and giving away responsibility for learning - Latin America adventures, the DNA & Re-engineering that DNA - Taking Christian principles into the workplace - A new leadership, checking the DNA of leadership teams - Institutionalised church & disciple making movements Join our Group Mentorship Program: ► Royal Hybrids Understand The Truth About Your Purpose: ► Watch My FREE Purpose= IAM Training  Book A Free Discovery Call with Me ► iamjosephwilson.com ✅ Subscribe to FUSE LIFE on YouTube Follow us on social media ✅ Facebook  +   Instagram â–ºPurchase my Bestselling book "The NO B.S. GUIDE TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE" on Amazon NOW! Â
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159: Sonship, Disappointment & Maturing with Jessica Onsaga
Jessica was a nobody from nowhere, then she discovered she was a son of God! Through the years, she has been on a journey of discovering her identity and growing a personal friendship with Jesus...and now she helps others do the same! She has written 4 books on getting to know God, understanding who you are and maturing into the fullness of what God has for us. - inner healing (because inner health affects every aspect of our life) - the process of maturing - beauty in the midst of suffering - being a lover of Jesus - sustainability in reference to the journey (learning to operate from rest). - childhood sexual abuse - miscarriage - rejection - financial loss which lead to debt (and addressing the lie that “Gods not showing up) - losing lots of loved ones to cancer (after praying for them to healed and then praying for them to be brought back to life) - healing miracles - mystical experiences, - imparting into children  www.beyondministry.net  Join our Group Mentorship Program: ► Royal Hybrids Understand The Truth About Your Purpose: ► Watch My FREE Purpose= IAM Training  Book A Free Discovery Call with Me ► iamjosephwilson.com ✅ Subscribe to FUSE LIFE on YouTube Follow us on social media ✅ Facebook  +   Instagram â–ºPurchase my Bestselling book "The NO B.S. GUIDE TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE" on Amazon NOW! Â
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158: Finally Unlock Your Full Potential
FINALLY UNLOCK YOUR FULL POTENTIAL IN 2025! Click here https://iamjosephwilson.com/royal-hybrids/  Understand The Truth About Your Purpose: ► Watch My FREE Purpose= IAM Training  Book A Free Discovery Call with Me ► iamjosephwilson.com ✅ Subscribe to FUSE LIFE on YouTube Follow us on social media ✅ Facebook  +   Instagram â–ºPurchase my Bestselling book "The NO B.S. GUIDE TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE" on Amazon NOW! Â
We interview people on all things KINGDOM. From deep spiritual realities to practical natural application we get real, raw and cover it all.
FUSE LIFE is dedicated to teach you how you can walk in the abundant life Jesus promised for us all. We help people optimize their lives; spirit, soul, body & heart, towards the best version of themselves.
Joseph Wilson is a personal coach, motivational speaker & the founder of FUSE LIFE he is passionate about helping others find and engage their God given assignment and to find true fulfillment.