If you've already found the strength to come out while in a straight marriage with kids, we believe you can literally do ANYTHING! This episode, GWK host David Dodge talks to motivational speaker, life coach, podcaster and gay dad Rick Clemons about how to live an authentic, fulfilling life after coming out when you have children.As Rick explains, he came out when his daughters were very young, but no matter how old your kids are, coming out as a dad is never easy. Since then, Rick has turned his experience into an career as an inspirational life coach, helping others in his same situation; gay or bisexual men with kids who may be struggling to live their authentic lives. Rick also discusses how he helps queer men and dads use the strength they found to come out of the closet to do other tough but rewarding things, like finding the perfect job, creating healthy relationships, and raising your kids the way they want. Find out more at RickClemons.com, and check out his podcasts "Life Uncloseted" and "40 Plus: Gay Men. GayTalk."This will be the last episode of GWK the podcast for now. Thank you to all our guests, listeners, and to the awesome the team behind the show. We hope to be back in the future! You can always reach out to GWK at
[email protected], find us on social media @gays_with_kids, and be sure to check out GWK Academy, where we help gay, bi and trans men form their families, at gayswithkids.com.