God Prompted Hubie to Give a Jewish Man $100 - Hubie Synn (Part 2)
When Hubie Synn’s sister asked him to visit her on her deathbed, a miracle happened while he traveled to see her.
More info @ godoutloud.com
God Out Loud is a podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
God Out Loud investigates each story, and we tell the story as accurately as we know how. Did each guest really hear from God? We’ll leave that for you to decide.
Thanks to everyone who helped make Season 2! Want to help make Season 3? Make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: godoutloud.com/donate
(Feel free to give… no guilt trips or promises of prosperity.)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast (like the rap shout out from this podcast)
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
Show notes, a chance to tell your story and more at: https://godoutloud.com/
Thanks to guests Hubie Synn and Squire Rushnell. And thanks to Jonathan Cahn, Scotty McCreery, and Kathie Lee Gifford for the excerpts I used.
To find a book mentioned in this podcast, click below:
The Harbinger - Jonathan Cahn
Go Big or Go Home - Scotty McCreery
Tales of a Wandering Prophet - Hubie Synn
Godwinks And Divine Alignment - Squire Rushnell
Hello Hurricane - Switchfoot
The Jesus I Know - Kathie Lee Gifford
God Told Hubie to Call an NFL Player and Prophesy - Hubie Synn
God told Hubie Synn to quit his job as a fashion company CFO. After a crisis of faith, God asks Hubie call an injured NFL player, David Tyree, and give him a message.
More info @ https://godoutloud.com/
God Out Loud is a podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
God Out Loud investigates each story, and we tell the story as accurately as we know how. Did each guest really hear from God? We’ll leave that for you to decide.
Andrew Bergthold’s Producer Contact: https://www.instagram.com/andrewlberg/
Buy Hubie Synn's Book
Want to help make new episodes? Make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: https://godoutloud.com/donate/
(Feel free to give… no guilt trips or promises of prosperity.)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast.
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
Show notes, a chance to tell your story and more at: https://godoutloud.com/
God Told Katie to Move to a Beach Town 2500 Miles Away - Katie Campbell
Katie Campbell prays through infertility and a life-threatening condition, but when she hears God tell her to move to a beach town 2500 miles away, her family and friends have some serious questions…
More info @ https://www.wowgod.com/podcasts/the-unfolding/page-210-katie-campbell-30a-prays-and-a-free-fall-of-faith/
Listen to the rest on Apple
Listen to the rest on Spotify
God Out Loud is a seasonal podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
Want to help make new episodes? Make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: https://godoutloud.com/donate/
(Feel free to give… no guilt trips or promises of prosperity.)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast.
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
Show notes, a chance to tell your story and more at: https://godoutloud.com/
God Asked Barbara, "Will You Go With This Man?" - Barbara Jenkins
Barbara fell in love with Peter Jenkins in New Orleans, but she didn't want to walk across America with him. Then she says God sent her a messenger with a well-timed question…
More info @ https://godoutloud.com/
To read the rest of the story, buy So Long as It's Wild.
To find out more about Barbara, go to barbarajojenkins.com
God Out Loud is a seasonal podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
God Out Loud investigates each story, and we tell the story as accurately as we know how. Did each guest really hear from God? We’ll leave that for you to decide.
Want to help make new episodes? Make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: https://godoutloud.com/donate/
(Feel free to give… no guilt trips or promises of prosperity.)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast.
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
Show notes, a chance to tell your story and more at: https://godoutloud.com/
God Told Jenessa to Take Back Her Graduation Tassle - Jenessa Wait
One night, Jenessa was pulled out of bed by an evil spirit and levitated briefly above her mattress. When she asked God why things like this were happening, she heard, “You need to take back your graduation tassle.”
More info on this episode @ https://www.storypartners.org/podcast/s2-e5-im-a-daughter/
God Out Loud is a seasonal podcast featuring stories of people who claim they heard God. Every new episode uses immersive storytelling to capture real stories of real people.
I collaborated with The Story Partners Podcast on this episode to bring you more stories of people who say they heard God. Story Partners features a slightly different format, but I love their stories.
Want to help make new God Out Loud episodes? Make a one-time gift, or become a Monthly Partner at: https://godoutloud.com/donate/
(Feel free to give or not... no guilt trips or promises of prosperity here...)
Perks of being a Monthly Partner include:
PHONE CALL from me thanking you.
SHOUT OUT at the end of one podcast.
MEMBERS-ONLY DRAWINGS monthly for episode related merch.
Tell your God Out Loud story at: https://godoutloud.com/