The first ever zero judgement parenting podcast from the team behind An Irishman Abroad. Join funny man Jarlath and child behaviouralist Tina Regan as they tack...
How To Get Your Kid To Eat Anything, TroublesomeTeens & More
Just like you guys, our heads are melted after a very busy midterm. As always we are here to help you guys survive and enjoy your kids. We have three great questions to get to today and then we have a very important announcement in this week's episode of Honey You’re Ruining Our Kid. Question 1- How do you navigate the terrible twos? When the parents will is challenged by the toddlers will things can get out of control so fast. If your child is refusing to do anything they are asked how do you get them to play ball and live by the family rules? There are three simple steps which if followed can impact your life immediately, listen in to today’s episode where Tina explains and breaks down the mechanics of each step. Question 2- Fussy eaters can drive you round the twist. Worrying about your child getting enough fuel into their body is a never ending stress. What can you do about food refusal? How can you get your kids to explore new tastes? Tina explains her full proof Tina’s Tapas technique. Trust us, this method works every single time. Thank you for tuning into another episode of Honey You’re Ruining our Kid, for the bonus question head on over to Patreon. Question 3-Teenagers are they our friends or our foes? We think they shouldn’t be either. Surely our role as their parents is to be their constant. Their rock of stability in this crazy world. How do you navigate the teenage years without losing them completely? Is it even possible to maintain a relationship with your child during these tumultuous years. Just as discussed in today’s podcast - Honey You’re Ruining Our kid is hitting the pause button. Emails will remain open, we will always be here for you guys but the podcast won’t be recorded for a few weeks. Life is a bit bananas at the moment and we are playing catch up. Thank you for all your understanding and support. See you soon.
The Irish Mammy Effect, Potty Training & Throw Me A Bone!
Is your Mother telling you you're too tough on your kids? Does she think kids shouldn't have chores when back in the day she made you clean the gutters! Welcome back to another episode of our zero judgement parenting podcast. So many questions to get through this week ranging from potty panic to the over bearing grandparent. Question 1- The throwing box! What exactly is it? We’ve talked about it loads on the show but this week we realised we have never fully explained the ingredients needed to make one. Listen in to find out what we think should be in your throwing box and how best to make it a success within the walls of your home. Question 2- What do you do when the crèche won’t support your toileting efforts. If you’ve laid the ground work but they are unwilling to keep placing the bricks in place. Is it possible to be successful without their support? If you’re wondering what are the important steps and which is the optimum age to start listen in to this week’s episode to find out our thoughts on all things toilet training. For our third question about lies and the Irish Mammy Effect on parents please head on over to Patreon We tend to keep the extra juicy stuff over there and this week is a little ripper!Email us anytime at We get back to everyone even if sometimes it can take a little while. No parent left alone.
Is My 18 Year Old Spoiled? Getting Rid Of The Bottle & Social Media
We open this week’s episode with a little parents guide to parent teacher meetings.School reports are arriving, realities are being brought to your attention and the dreaded parent teacher conferences are just around the corner. How will you navigate them? Listen in to find out. Question 1- School refusal is one of the most common problems facing parents worldwide. What do you do when they reach 18 though and the pattern is cemented? How do you emotionally cope with the toll of having to force them out of bed and out of the house every day. When the professionals have let you down what are your options? Is your child doomed to not embrace his/her life? How can you smash this habit? Question 2- The mom gaze haunts us all. Other moms making us feel bad about its mumming can stop us asking for help when we really need it. Honey You’re Ruining our Kid exists for this very reason. Zero judgement here. This week a mom gets in touch who is struggling to get her 3 year old to stop asking for the bottle. She’s ashamed that she can’t switch her kid to a zippy cup. Should she Feel this pang of shame or should she just do what suits her and makes her child feel happy and content? Question 3 will feature over on Patreon. So if you are thirsty for more why not head on over to Patreon for the extra juicy stuff. Thank you to everyone who is listening in, sharing our pod and who are getting in touch. We really appreciate it. to access the full ad free to come and see Jarlath live!
What To Do With Kids That Refuse To Listen
Happy new year everyone. We hope 2025 is kind to all of you. Just like you we can’t believe we survived another Christmas with our families. With the children finally back at school it’s time to stick that kettle on, pop those feet up and get this podcast into your ears. Today's show is all about those kids that won't open their ears. Whether it results in throwing or tantrums or Mexican stand offs, the impact of a kid that won't listen to their parents can be life altering. In terms of the stress in your day, this one thing can change everything. Tina has some great strategies that will help you and our three questioners.Question 1 We all know the terrible threes are the new terrible twos. How do you get your three year old to calm down when they are mid stand off, when it has become a battle of the wills, you versus them. Is it even possible. This week we try and arm a very distressed mum with techniques to walk back a few of her kids newly acquired behaviours. Question 2- When behaviour moves from acting out to becoming an actual danger to themselves you need to get act fast and get help. It’s okay to ask for help. Some times there is nothing you can do. Sometimes there are bigger reasons for the behaviours. Seek out the supports available in your area in the knowledge that that is the best thing you can do for your kid right now. Question 3- The Patreon exclusive question looks at a case where the child will only listen to their father. This is causing Mom to question her appraoch to parenting. Tina takes a look at the major trigger points that are proving most difficult with this kid.Pop over to to hear it or go to to come and see Jarlath's all new standup show in 2025.
Avoiding Christmas A Catastrophe - Fighting, Soiling & Moving Home
If you're feeling the Christmas frazzle or worried about what's coming from your kids this month, you're in the right place. Tina and I have some great questions and a little bit of a look back at our own childhoods in this one.Question 1- The expectation that our children need to be best friends is sometimes too much a burden of responsibility for them to bare. Most siblings argue from time to time. Most siblings long for time to themselves and fairness within the home. What do you do if one sibling has contempt for the other. If it has gotten out of hand and all you can see is now full-on sibling bullying. Is there any way back? Question 2- Moving country is such a huge task. Moving your family is even bigger. How do you ensure a smooth transition. It won’t be plain sailing but there are definitely techniques that will help it be less heartbreaking for the little ones you are having to uproot and resow. Question 3- Skid marks are always a sign of something else. Ranging from lazy wiping to chronic constipation. How do you puzzle out what is causing the soiling if your little one seems unaware as to why it’s happening? We would love to wish you all a very merry Christmas. Thank you for supporting our podcast. Emails will remain open over the Christmas holidays. If you need help, Tina be here. Episode 8 will drop in January. Visit to come see Jarlath live on tour. There are worse gifts to be found than comedy tickets.
The first ever zero judgement parenting podcast from the team behind An Irishman Abroad. Join funny man Jarlath and child behaviouralist Tina Regan as they tackle the questions, the worries and the day-to-day hilarity that comes with modern parenting.
Jarlath collects anonymous questions from frazzled and exhausted parents, while Tina shares more than 20 years of experience working in early childhood intellectual, behavioural and social development. With genuine problems from real parents it’s anyone’s guess what the questions will be but the pair will gamely tackle anything that’s thrown their way. Expect all manner of queries including:
- "My young lad eats like a caveman and is mortifying me everywhere we go"
- "If I ask my kid to come off her iPad she acts like her world is caving in"
- "My toddler refuses to wear clothes”
- “My kid won’t poo at school”
- “My kid refuses to let me leave the house, what should I do?
No problem is too big or small. Tina promises to help parents help themselves, with zero judgement. Raising kids is so fecking hard we all need help to do it.