This is a intuitively led podcast where I discuss and have conversations about the world of magick, witchcraft, occult knowledge, spirituality, astrology, metap...
Seership is not just an title, it is a powerful gift that is not to be taken With nothing less then seriousness, respect and dignity
The craft is sacred
Topic of discussion included the similarities between the teachings present in every culture and also understanding that the craft is sacred and it isn't meant to be toyed with nor just there be dishonesty and disloyalty when working in the spiritual community as a spiritual worker who is supposed to be of service to clients
Liars reside within our community too
This episode is more lose and it follows a rant format. We will be focusing on the fact that there are liars in the witch community, this episode also focuses on the fact that messing with a spiritualist of any kind is a bad idea and how it could have a bad impact on your life, furthermore you must remain humble and respectful no matter what when it comes to dealing with a spiritualist.
Death is a bad mutha
The topic is focused on the that is death, and taking a look at how it may fit into your craft.
You've already been exposed to magick and witchcraft
This episode is focusing on the understanding that there is magick everywhere almost, and you must understand the force that you are working with, understand that you must let your intuition guide on path you should take and how to create your own craft and make it more personal to you.
This is a intuitively led podcast where I discuss and have conversations about the world of magick, witchcraft, occult knowledge, spirituality, astrology, metaphysics & psychic phenomenon etc this is a place where we can be completely ourselves and open up to the world of mystery, as a witch, psychic intuitive and a friend to all I meet I will be sharing my views and opinions, what I have learned, I'm not here to teach per say but I am here to help guide those who want guildence, to share channelled wisdom to those ready to listen, this podcast is for those who are open minded & non judgmental