The impact of Joseph Smith’s life has been debated for decades. Listen as prophets, apostles, professors, and historians discuss the life of Joseph Smith and ad...
The Legacy of Learning (Excerpted) | Cecil O. Samuelson | August 2005
Although he had little formal schooling, Joseph Smith left the Church a legacy of asking and answering questions, working hard, and learning all we can. Click here to view the speech. See for privacy information.
Joseph Smith: The Prophet | David B. Haight | March 1986
Elder David B. Haight offers a stirring testimony of Joseph Smith: the Prophet of the Restoration. The courageous and selfless giving of his life is evidence of Joseph's devotion to the Lord and to the Saints. Click here to view the speech. See for privacy information.
Joseph Smith and the Problem of Evil | David L. Paulsen | September 1999
David L. Paulsen speaks on how examining the life of Joseph Smith can help us learn to find meaning in our suffering, maintain hope, and trust God. In the face of evil, we can find peace. Click here to view the speech. See for privacy information.
The Authorship of the Book of Mormon | Noel B. Reynolds | May 1997
Noel B. Reynolds offers a sampling of scholarly evidence to date for the veracity of the Book of Mormon's ancient authorship. Click here to view the speech. See for privacy information.
Joseph, the Seer | Gordon B. Hinckley | December 1967
Gordon B. Hinckley shares his testimony that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet of God. There are many others whose lives testified of his call. Click here to view the speech. See for privacy information.
The impact of Joseph Smith’s life has been debated for decades. Listen as prophets, apostles, professors, and historians discuss the life of Joseph Smith and add their personal witnesses that he was God’s servant. This unique account commemorates the 174th anniversary of the Prophet’s martyrdom.