Physics to God is a guided journey through modern physics to discover God. We start from the fine tuning of the constants of nature, travel through the multiver...
Philosophical and Scientific Methods for Multiverse - S2:E12
The scientific method has been the key to the great success of science over the past 300 years, and it’s incredibly important to distinguish it from the philosophical method. You probably learned about the scientific method in 5th grade, and might be surprised we’re doing an episode on it. But times are changing. There’s now a serious controversy in the scientific community about whether it’s time to change the definition of science to accommodate the multiverse under the banner of science. That’s a truly shocking development. In this episode, we present a clear formulation of the scientific and philosophical methods so you can judge for yourself whether the multiverse is science or philosophy. Timestamps: 0:00 - Opening 1:42 - Introduction 3:52 - The Scientific Method 8:28 - Why Following the Scientific Method is so Important 9:08 - Rejecting False Theories 13:10 - Accepting True Theories 15:46 - The Philosophical Method 21:54 - Science-Based Philosophy 25:24 - Multiverse is Science-Based Philosophy 27:40 - Multiverse is Not a Good Philosophical Theory 30:06 - Value of Good Science-Based Philosophy 32:22 - Multiverse Scientists Claim Multiverse is Science 34:09 - Outro Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse Subscribe to Physics to God on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us at: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram:
The Mathematical Multiverse and the Meta-Measure Problem - S2:E11
If you thought multiverse scientists have difficulty explaining the fine tuning of the constants without God, you won’t believe the trouble they have explaining away the designed laws of nature. The mathematical multiverse solution to the design of the laws is so outlandish it makes a standard multiverse look tame by comparison. It’s really the ultimate multiverse theory - and it runs directly into the ultimate meta-measure problem. Timestamps: 0:00 - Opening 1:30 - Introduction 4:34 - The Mathematical Universe Hypothesis 10:03 - Evidence for the Mathematical Multiverse 12:10 - Are Simple Laws of Nature Typical? 16:12 - Another Designed Measure 18:41 - The Meta-Measure Problem 23:03 - The Difference between Science and Mathematics 28:25 - The Relationship between Science and Mathematics 31:26 - Why Science Needs God 35:28 - Outro Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse Subscribe to Physics to God on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us at: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram:
The Multiverse’s Measure Problem - S2:E10
In an infinite multiverse, the need to calculate if our universe is typical leads directly to the devastating three-layered measure problem: ad hoc measures are bad ideas to begin with, all intuitive measures don’t work, and even if multiverse scientists were to find a contrived measure that did work, it would beg the question of what fine tuned and designed it? While multiverse theory is plagued by many issues, the measure problem is unique. It conclusively demonstrates the multiverse’s failure to explain fine tuning and, for that matter, to explain anything at all. Once you understand the full scope of this problem, you’ll see why the multiverse fails as a good scientific theory, even in multiverse scientists’ framework. Timestamps: 0:00 - Opening 0:48 - Intro 1:41 - From a Naive Multiverse to the Measure Problem 4:17 - The Three Layered Measure Problem - 5:22 1. Ad Hoc Measures - 9:00 2. Intuitive Measures Don’t Work - 15:45 3. Fine Tuned Measures 22:02 - The Scope of the Measure Problem 22:32 - The Measure Problem Applies to Any Infinite Multiverse 23:47 - Problems with a Finite Multiverse 29:08 - The Significance of the Measure Problem 32:53 - Outro Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse Subscribe to Physics to God on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us at: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram:
Infinities and Measures - S2:E9
In previous episodes, we discussed the multiverse's sole "prediction" that we are typical observers in a typical universe. However, this ignored the major problem that it doesn't seem possible for an infinite varied multiverse to use probabilities to make any prediction whatsoever because there are an infinite number of copies of every possible universe! To get around this problem, multiverse scientists use something called measures to compute probabilities in an infinite multiverse and then determine what a typical universe looks like. They thereby attempt to rescue multiverse theory from the fatal flaws of a naive multiverse, but end up running directly into the measure problem we'll discuss next time. Timestamps: 0:00 - Opening 0:57 - Introduction 1:50 - From a Naive Multiverse to Measures 5:07 - The Problem of Infinities and Probabilities 7:50 -Measures 13:39 - True and False Predictions 16:48 - The Boltzmann Brain Measure 21:03 - Outro Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse Subscribe to Physics to God on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us at: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram:
Boltzmann Brain and Grand Universe Problems - S2:E8
The Boltzmann Brain problem – the multiverse's prediction that you are a randomly fluctuated brain with false memories – sounds like a ridiculous problem. In a sense, it is. But it's nevertheless a major challenge for the multiverse which claims we are typical observers. The Grand Universe problem – the sheer splendor and grandeur of our immense universe – likewise presents a significant question for the multiverse’s claim that our universe is typical. These problems cast serious doubt on the multiverse’s third premise – that we are typical observers in a typical universe with intelligent life. Timestamps: 0:00 - Opening 1:32 - Introduction 2:23 - Summary of Last Two Episodes 5:05 - Boltzmann Brain Problem 10:16 - Why Does It Matter If You’re a Boltzmann Brain? 14:48 - The Grand Universe Problem 20:20 - A Historical Irony 23:43 - The Need for Justification 29:38 - Outro Get essay versions of all episodes in Season 1: Intelligent Cause and Season 2: Analyzing & Rejecting Multiverse Subscribe to Physics to God on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Follow us at: Facebook: X/Twitter: Instagram:
Physics to God is a guided journey through modern physics to discover God. We start from the fine tuning of the constants of nature, travel through the multiverse, and ultimately arrive at a compelling idea of God.