What's New and Awesome in 3d Printing for Games. From Warhammer to Dungeons & Dragons and more, we talk about how 3d printing can make our games better.
Gundams, Statues, Robots, and Toy Trucks. 3D printing has lots to offer a ton of different geeky hobbies! And with some work, all these hobbies can bring variety and new toys to your games!
Do you have to Chase Trends or Become Warhammer to Succeed?
Just as all life becomes crabs, many companies eventually conform to a few trends in 3D printing. Do you have to copy other successful IP to make it in this industry?
Was Switching to 3D Printing a Good Idea for these Companies?
From Modiphius to Mantic to Wargames Atlantic, several traditional publishers expanded to 3D printing these last couple of years. We take a look at how things have gone for them and where they are now. Was it a success? Is this really the future of the industry after all?
The Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra Changes Everything
Did the Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra just make every other mid sized printer irrelevant?! What has Anycubic made to counter it?
We talk about the new wave of printers hitting the market!
Running A 3D Printing Business
Gergo, from the 3DPrintDen, joins us to talk about what its like to run a 3D printing business! What printers does he use? How does he organize the work? How do you get rid of the toxic waste? How can anyone afford that many paper towels?!
Listen to More: http://printyourgames.com/
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What's New and Awesome in 3d Printing for Games. From Warhammer to Dungeons & Dragons and more, we talk about how 3d printing can make our games better.