Join us as we detail MCAT exam topics. Each podcast covers several MCAT sections with lessons based on review material put out by the AAMC, such as practice tes...
In this episode, we’ll talk about ATP or adenosine triphosphate. We will begin with a detailed examination of ATP's structure and composition as a nucleotide, followed by an explanation of the metabolic pathways involved in its production—both aerobic and anaerobic. We will also cover the pivotal process of ATP hydrolysis, emphasizing its energy release and crucial role in various cellular processes, including the sodium-potassium pump and protein phosphorylation. Additionally, we will address the limitations of ATP supplementation and the broader implications of ATP in biological transport and biosynthesis processes. This episode promises to provide a clear and thorough understanding of ATP's essential functions, ensuring you are well-prepared for your MCAT studies. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump Into the Conversation: [00:00] Intro into Adenosine Triphosphate, otherwise known as ATP [2:09] The structure of ATP [06:48] Where and how ATP is produced [24:04] Thermodynamics of ATP [35:16] The functions of ATP [35:31] Sodium-potassium pump or the sodium-potassium ATPase [39:45] Protein kinases and protein phosphorylation [42:48] ATP binding cassette transporter protein or ABC transporter proteins
In this episode, we explore the topic of intelligence, which is primarily featured in the psychology and sociology section of the MCAT. We cover several key theories, including entity vs. incremental theory, general intelligence theory, two-factor theory, multiple intelligences theory, Triarchic theory, CHC theory, and biological theories. Additionally, we examine the nature vs. nurture debate on hereditary intelligence factors and discuss how intelligence is measured. Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump Into the Conversation: [00:00] Intro to Intelligence [02:47] Entity vs. Incremental Theory [06:36] G Factor Theory [10:26] Multiple Intelligences Theory [12:18] Triarchic Theory [14:39] CHC Theory [18:58] Theories of Intelligence [21:01] Hereditary factors of intelligence [28:33] How intelligence is measured [32:06] Why intelligence tests can be problematic
Redox Reactions: Reduction and Oxidation
Redox reactions or reduction and oxidation are reactions in which electrons are simultaneously transferred from one chemical species to another. This episode begins with exploring this concept, including an in-depth look at oxidizing and reducing agents and the factors determining a compound's effectiveness as an oxidizing agent. It also covers the oxidation states of molecules and functional groups, common redox reagents in organic chemistry, and the role of redox in biological systems. The episode also addresses numerical concepts from general chemistry related to redox, such as determining oxidation numbers and understanding electrochemical cells. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [01:09] What is the conceptual definition of redox [06:22] What is an oxidizing agent, and what is a reducing agent? [08:50] What makes a molecule better than another at being an oxidizing agent or a reducing agent? [13:58] Which oxidation reduction reagents should you know and what do they [21:44] Redox in biological systems [35:01] How to determine the oxidation state [41:16] The application of oxidation-reduction in electrochemical cells
Sound and Hearing
In this episode, we focus on the physiology of sound and hearing. We begin by exploring sound-related concepts, including sound waves, pitch, ultrasound, and the decibel system. Next, we delve into the anatomy and physiology of the ear, providing a clear understanding of how we perceive sound. This material will appear in two of the four MCAT sections: the Bio/Biochem and Physics/Chemistry sections. Visit for more help with the MCAT. [00:00] Introduction [01:50] Physics of sound waves [06:07] Wavelength and frequency equation [08:08] Equation for the speed of sound [11:01] Overall takeaway for the MCAT [11:15] Ultrasound imaging [14:23] The decibel system [18:05] Anatomy and physiology of the ear
Physiology and Perception of the Eye
This podcast focuses on the eye. It begins with a brief overview of the eye's anatomy and physiology. The discussion then shifts to rods, cones, and the phototransduction pathway. The final section addresses perception. Key topics include visual field processing, differences between binocular and monocular cues, and feature detection (covering both Magno and Parvo pathways). Visit for more help with the MCAT. Jump into the conversation: [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics [01:06] Topics covered in this episode [02:10] Anatomy & physiology of the eye [16:02] Phototransduction pathway [26:59] Perception [28:13] Visual field processing [31:34] Binocular versus monocular queues [35:02] Visual feature detection - Gestalt principles [38:18] Parallel Processing [39:12] Parvo versus Magno pathways
Join us as we detail MCAT exam topics. Each podcast covers several MCAT sections with lessons based on review material put out by the AAMC, such as practice tests and question banks. Sam also interviews MCAT tutors and experts who share tips on how premed students can raise their score to get into medical school.