Sermon: The Gnawing Worm, by Rev. Gregory Barnes R. Barnes
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Sermon: Preparation & Examination for Christmas, by Rev. Tobias Bayer
Sermon delivered on Gaudete Sunday, 2024, the Third Sunday of Advent, at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Tobias Bayer. Epistle: Philipp. 4, 4-7. Gospel: St. John 1, 19-28.
Sermon: Advent III - The Pursuit of Happiness, by Rev. Philip Eldracher
Given on the Third Sunday of Advent, 2024
Sermon: The Immaculate Conception, by Most Rev. Germán Fliess
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Sermon: Pius IX & Fra Angelico, by Rev. Tobias Bayer
Sermon delivered on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2024, at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Tobias Bayer. Epistle: Prov. 8, 22-35. Gospel: St. Luke 1, 26-28.