Tune in to the fantastic teaching of Dr Joseph McAuley and other speakers at St Luke’s Church. St Luke’s is a contemporary church that fuses the charismatic and...
In every Christmas story there is usually a character who can't see the wonder unfolding around them. Don't be that character! Let appreciation open your eyes to the goodness of God in Christmas.
Advent 3 - Unending Grace
In a world where anything sown can sprout to life, let us sow to the Spirit. Let our model in all things be Gods love for humanity in sending his Son.
Advent 2 - Uninteresting Explanations
Adults are prone to uninteresting explanations, but C.S. Lewis, in his Chronicles of Narnia, invites us to imagine alternative possibilities. Namely, the Kingdom of God
Advent 1 - Unexpected Journeys
Lyndall launches our 2024 Advent series introducing us to The Magician's Nephew and God's call to wait in hope.
Christ is King Sunday
Logan takes us through the history of Christ is King Sunday and its profound counter cultural ideas as we celebrate Jesus as Lord of all things.
Tune in to the fantastic teaching of Dr Joseph McAuley and other speakers at St Luke’s Church. St Luke’s is a contemporary church that fuses the charismatic and the contemplative, sharp minds and soft hearts, the liturgical calendar and 21st century life. You can find our more at www.stlukeschurch.org.nz