048: Pre-Rut Bowhunters Butchering Course | Live Kev Schilf & Ian Summers
Today's Yarn sees us head out to record a live episode with Bowhunting and Archery legends Kev Schilf and Ian Summers on the 2025 Pre-Rut Bowhunters Butchering Course.We sit down with the boys as well as seven students on the course and run through whats involved in the course, how it was developed and hear feedback and questions from the students.We enjoyed a cracking weekend of learning, socialising, eating incredible hand harvested meats and made some new friends along the way.This is their story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, Hunter or Adventure Addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
047: The Stag Of A Lifetime | Brett Meldrum
Today's yarn is with returning guest Brett Meldrum. Brett joins us to yarn all about the incredible events that led to him putting down one of, if not the biggest Red Stags in Australian history with the Bow.Brett details the events on the day of how his plan to put this big fella down finally came together.This is an epic yarn with one of the nicest fellas getting around.This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, Hunter or Adventure Addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
046: Ben Salleras | Travel Tips For Bowhunting
Today's yarn is all about sharing travel tips for those who are flying interstate or overseas with a bow. When planning this episode we knew it was essential to speak to a guest who has travelled extensively across the world on Bowhunting expeditions. It didn't take us long to work out the perfect fit for the episode.Ben Salleras.Ben has spent his life hunting his way across the world to some of the most epic places on the planet, chasing some of the most incredible critters there are. He shares some absolutely cracking tips with us to help those looking at travelling with a bow. These include:Packing techniquesItems to remove for travelWhat to do upon arrivalEssential items to takeHaving a plan BMaintaining a positive attitude when shit hits the fanWe share a few beers and laugh ourselves stupid over some of Ben's misadventures and good times he has spent during his extensive bowhunting journey. This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, Hunter or Adventure Addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
045: The Bald Chef | What Are We Actually Eating These Days?
Today's yarn is with The Bald Chef Andrew Joulianou.We are back for our first episode of 2025 which marks the beginning of season three of the show.With all the hysteria surrounding our food consumption, food additives and our addiction to ultra processed foods, we thought it would be fitting to have Andrew on the show to discuss the current issues with how we look at, prepare and eat our food.Andrew is a keen hunter with a rich family history of hunting and home cooking. In his later years he has developed a love affair with hunting, growing and cooking wild game and other natural low ingredient nutritious foods. So much so, that he developed the social media name The Bald Chef.Its not uncommon to see Andrew out in nature with his young family, filming his adventures, hunting, preparing and cooking wild game using traditional methods and creating delicious nutritious meals promoting the amazing benefits of living a self sustainable life.This is his story. Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, Hunter or Adventure Addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.
044: The Science Of Being Outdoors | Mark Mathieson
Today's yarn is the final episode of season two of show! For this episode we wanted to leave you all with something a little more meaningful that would highlight the mental health benefits and science behind spending time in the great outdoors.To bring this one together we called upon a person who has helped us greatly in other areas of life by the name of Mark Mathieson.Mark is a qualified Psychologist who has extensive experience working with high level athletes, Special Forces Military operators and on reality TV shows (SAS Australia, Alone Australia, Survivor Australia). During these interactions, Mark began to realise just how powerful spending time outdoors was in assisting with mental and physical health and as a result, spent a great deal of time researching the proven benefits of doing so.Mark is a hunter and outdoorsman who places a high value on the healing powers of being out in nature. During this episode we cover the scientifically proven reasons why we all feel so much better after spending time outdoors doing the activities we love.It was a pleasure to have Mark on the show and we look forward to having him on again in the future to delve deeper into these and other mental health and awareness topics that effect us all on a daily basis.This is his story.Like this episode? Do us a solid: Leave us a review. Share the podcast with your mates. Post it to your Insta story or subscribe to the podcast (It really frikin helps). Know a mad Spearo, Hunter or Adventure Addict who has a story to tell?Want specific info on a particular topic? DM us on our Instagram account @stalkoutdoors.podcast and we will try and make it happen.