Our hosts, Matt Backer and Carlo Ritchie, have been banished into a galaxy far, far away and must collect special story objects to return home to the Story Sala...
This is it... the final instalment in this season of Story Salad Quest Mode! Will Matt and Carlo make it home? Will Becky Lucas overcome her vulnerability to form true friendship? And what does a half-eaten hotdog have to do with it all? You'll have to listen to find out!
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Episode 9: Map mystery with Lachlan and Jaxon Fairbairn
Lachlan and Jaxon Fairbairn are back, and they're taking Matt and Carlo deep into the belly of their stupendous ship. What wonders (or horrors!) might be hiding behind a door marked 'do not open'?
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Episode 8: Theme Park Planet with Shane Jenek
Shane Jenek returns to the space ship, joining Matt & Carlo on a journey to Theme Park Planet, the most thrilling, chaotic and dysfunctional place in the universe.Â
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Episode 7: Extra-terrestrial tumbling with Susie Youssef
Susie Youssef returns to the Story Salad Quest Mode spaceship, and she has brought her twin along with her for a tasty, tea-time treat.
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Episode 6: Cosmic shopping with Rove McManus
Rove McManus is back on deck, keeping Matt and Carlo company on their journey through the universe. The tremendous trio find themselves in need of new spacesuits, but come away with more than they bargained for.Â
Our hosts, Matt Backer and Carlo Ritchie, have been banished into a galaxy far, far away and must collect special story objects to return home to the Story Salad Studio.
Guided by your word suggestions, their journey is filled with outlandish realms and eccentric characters, brought to life by a stellar cast of celebrity guests.
Join Rove McManus, Susie Youssef, Becky Lucas, Shane Jenek, and the Fairbairn Brothers as they make surprise appearances throughout the series.