Welcome to the Dog Mum Mindset podcast, a show for you to learn how to develop through being a dog mum (or dad) - and in doing so, how to live confidently, grow...
37. A Mini Masterclass About Keeping Yourself Safe Around Other People’s Dogs
We can do all we can as the best dog parents in the world, but it can be tricky to navigate other people's dogs and it can feel unpredictable about what they can do.
However, this episode will bring you all of the tips, experience and observation skills you need to keep you and your dog happy when out and about, and how to identify those 'flashpoint' situations to avoid with other people's dogs.
We hope you enjoy and please leave a review if you loved it!
@dogmummindset on Instagram
@dogmummindset on Facebook
Note: The information in this podcast intended for information only, and we accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any action taken from the information provided. Seek a qualified behaviourist, vet, or other appropriate professional if required. The opinions in this podcast are that of Lauren Hewitt-Watts or guest and are not representative of other organisations they work for or with.
36. Update + How I Am Navigating This Strange Season Of Dog Ownership
An open conversation about how I am operating Dog Mum Mindset, how I see it evolving, and how I am navigating the strange season of dog ownership we are in.
@dogmummindset on Instagram
@dogmummindset on Facebook
Note: The information in this podcast intended for information only, and we accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any action taken from the information provided. Seek a qualified behaviourist, vet, or other appropriate professional if required. The opinions in this podcast are that of Lauren Hewitt-Watts or guest and are not representative of other organisations they work for or with.
35. Training 100,000 Puppies Positively + Sharing The Wisdom Behind It All - With Gwen Bailey
Gwen Bailey is the special guest today, and you will learn the best insights that she has gained across her incredible career, reaching a milestone of having 100 000 puppies through her UK organisation, Puppy School.
You will learn:
How Puppy School started
How puppy ownership has changed since Gwen started 20 years ago
The issues are puppies are facing now that they haven’t faced before
Gwen’s best advice for new puppy owners
How people can become a Puppy School tutor
How to keep a positive mindset as a trainer and puppy parent
And more!
You’ll be sure to take a huge amount away in this episode, and Gwen’s way of speaking is wonderful to listen and learn from.
Please do share with anyone who might be interested, and we hope you enjoy!
@dogmummindset on Instagram
@dogmummindset on Facebook
Note: The information in this podcast intended for information only, and we accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any action taken from the information provided. Seek a qualified behaviourist, vet, or other appropriate professional if required. The opinions in this podcast are that of Lauren Hewitt-Watts or guest and are not representative of other organisations they work for or with.
34. Human Design + What That Can Teach Us About Our Dogs And Ourselves With Amy Lea - Astrologer And Human Design Coach
It’s time to go down the spiritual path - so come to this episode with an open mind & leave with an insight that you might not have heard before.
I am so incredibly happy to welcome Amy Lea onto the podcast, who is an astrologer and human design coach.
Head to https://www.myconstellation.com.au/discover-your-design/ first (for free!) if you don’t know your type so that you can get the best insight.
You’ll learn:
A breakdown of what Human Design is and how it can be helpful for dog parents and pros
In depth discussion of the types (and how to find yours!)
How knowing this information might flavour the way you interact and see your dog
You dog’s type & how to find that out
Holistic care for our dogs
Care for our dogs depending on their type & design
Amy’s story with her health struggles with her own dog
Things dog parents can do for their dogs depending on their type
How to look at this system when you are science based
We went into this in depth so you are sure to come out with something new. If you loved this, let me and Amy know - and be sure to share with anyone else who would enjoy!
Amy Links:
www.myconstellation.com.au to find your own human design for free and order a customer report . Follow @dogmummindset on Instagram and Facebook
@amylea.co @myconstellation.co
@dogmummindset on Instagram
@dogmummindset on Facebook
Note: The information in this podcast intended for information only, and we accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any action taken from the information provided. Seek a qualified behaviourist, vet, or other appropriate professional if required. The opinions in this podcast are that of Lauren Hewitt-Watts or guest and are not representative of other organisations they work for or with.
33. 5 Good Habits To Start As A Dog Parent
If you feel like you want a revamp with your dog, then this episode will walk you three 5 different things that will make a real difference to yours & your dog's lives. Visit www.dogmummindset.com for more tips, resources & programmes!
@dogmummindset on Instagram
@dogmummindset on Facebook
Note: The information in this podcast intended for information only, and we accept no responsibility or liability resulting from any action taken from the information provided. Seek a qualified behaviourist, vet, or other appropriate professional if required. The opinions in this podcast are that of Lauren Hewitt-Watts or guest and are not representative of other organisations they work for or with.
Welcome to the Dog Mum Mindset podcast, a show for you to learn how to develop through being a dog mum (or dad) - and in doing so, how to live confidently, grow, and live their best life possible, alongside their pup.
Join me for honest, real and joyful conversations about dogs, life, and everything in between; from behaviour, to self development, wellness, and entrepreneurship. All wisdom is underpinned by special guests & my work as a clinical animal behaviourist.
This podcast is designed for anyone living with a dog who wants to tap into the power they have to transform your life.