TheFringePodcast is a fan podcast dedicated to the Fox TV series Fringe. Send us feedback at [email protected] and let your voice be heard by callin...
It’s time to finally meet David Robert Jones, the Big Bad of Fringe’s first season! This is a game-changing episode of the first season as we learn a little bit more about The Pattern and who is behind it and also hear Walter tell a captivating and enthralling story about fruit cocktail. We talk about our memories of having first seen this episode and our initial reactions to it vs. our reactions now (including how utterly disgusting that huge parasite is) and so much more.
The post S1E7 In Which We Meet Mr. Jones appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.
S1E4 The Arrival
It has arrived, although we sure hope that a gigantic metal suppository is not the pinnacle of human achievement! That’s right! We are here to discuss “The Arrival” - the game-changing fourth episode of the first season of Fringe! We take you back to the very first official introduction to September which starts with this episode’s memorable opening scene while, at the same time, looking ahead to future episodes of the series that ended up being connected to this one.
The post S1E4 The Arrival appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.
Geekinomicon – John Noble Interview
A dream come true for another podcaster here at Golden Spiral Media, but instead of acting like the giddy school girl he was feeling inside, Darrell was a consummate professional, as he always is. Our interview with John Noble was the pinnacle of the weekend for all of the Fringe fans. We were able to talk a little bit about Fringe, as well as a little bit about other things going on with John right now. Read More…
The post Geekinomicon – John Noble Interview appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.
Dragon Con Fringe Panel With Michael Cerveris, Jasika Nicole & Seth Gabel
In this special Dragon Con 2013 podcast, we have the Fringe panel that took place on Sunday, September 1, 2013 at Dragon Con in Atlanta. This panel includes Michael Cerveris (September/Donald), Jasika Nicole (Astrid Farnsworth), and Seth Gabel (Lincoln Lee). The actors answer a full hour of fan questions about their time on the show, […]
The post Dragon Con Fringe Panel With Michael Cerveris, Jasika Nicole & Seth Gabel appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.
Dragon Con Fringe Panel With Jasika Nicole & Seth Gabel
In this special Golden Spiral Media Dragon Con podcast, we have the Fringe panel that took place on Friday, August 30, 2013 at Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia. This panel features Jasika Nicole (Astrid Farnsworth) and Seth Gabel (Lincoln Lee) as they share insights from their experience on Fringe, interactions with fans, the rigors of […]
The post Dragon Con Fringe Panel With Jasika Nicole & Seth Gabel appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.
TheFringePodcast is a fan podcast dedicated to the Fox TV series Fringe. Send us feedback at [email protected] and let your voice be heard by calling 304-837-2278.