Hebrews 9. Day 53 - The New Testament in a Year
Hebrews 9. Day 53 - The New Testament in a Year
Episode Notes:Ā
Today's Scripture: Hebrews 9(CSB)
Podcast Homepage: The New Testament in a Year
Bible Reading Plan: Navigators Reading Plan
Contact Sean through email here:Ā
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NTIY on Facebook: Facebook.com/newtestamentinayear
NTIY Website: www.newtestamentinayear.com
Episode Highlights:
Old vs New.Ā The Necessity of Blood.Ā Access to God.Ā
"And just as it is appointed for people to die onceāand after this, judgmentāĀ so also Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him."Ā Hebrews 9: 27-28
In this episode of "The New Testament in a Year," we dig deep into Hebrews Chapter 9, where the author continues to unveil the profound truths surrounding Christ's sacrifice and the superiority of the new covenant. Drawing upon vivid imagery from the Old Testament sacrificial system, the author contrasts the earthly tabernacle with the heavenly sanctuary, emphasizing Jesus as the ultimate High Priest who offers Himself as the perfect sacrifice to cleanse believers from sin once and for all. Through detailed descriptions of the rituals and symbolism of the old covenant, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the necessity and efficacy of Christ's blood in securing redemption and providing access to the presence of God.
As the episode unfolds, listeners are encouraged to reflect on key themes such as the contrast between the old and new covenant, the significance of blood in atonement, and the assurance of eternal inheritance for believers. Practical applications emerge as listeners are challenged to embrace the reality of their redemption, cultivate intimacy with God, and anchor their hope in the promises of Christ.Ā