Since we first named the nurse offending on the pediatric ward in Launceston General Hospital, our investigation snowballed into alleged offending across Tasmanian institutions, including the hospital, youth prison and schools. This episode takes a brief dip into the Commission of Inquiry and what happened when health executives and others took the stand to account for their role in a catastrophic failure of child safety. Some key people we refer to in this episode of the podcast and who they are: Alysha - whistleblower Ashley Youth Detention Centre Amber Wilson - Court Reporter for the Tasmania Mercury James Bellinger - Human relations Launceston General Hospital James Griffin - nurse, pedophile, subject of season 1 Jeremy Rockliffe - Premier of Tasmania Liz Bennett - she is a lawyer acting for the Commission of Inquiry Meg Webb - Member of the Legislative Council of Tasmania, Independent Paul ‘Beau’ Reynolds - police officer, prosecution services, alleged child sex offender Peter Gutwein - former Premier of Tasmania Dr Peter Renshaw - a longtime executive of the Launceston General Hospital Rosalie Woodruff - leader of the Tasmanian Greens Party Will Gordon - whistleblower Launceston General Hospital Acronyms you may hear and what they mean: THS South - Tasmania Health System South (Hobart) AYDC - Ashley Youth Detention Centre RHH/ Royal Hobart - Royal Hobart Hospital LGH - Launceston General Hospital COI - Commission of Inquiry Important information for survivors: Tasmania Police are ready to deal with reports that relate to any criminal activity, historic or ongoing, but only those that include other perpetrators. Call them on 131 444 Anyone struggling with their mental health and feelings of suicidal ideation or depression can call LIFELINE AUSTRALIA 13 11 14 Locals can reach Launceston counselling service Laurel House Send any tips or information to
[email protected] for privacy information.