Come on in! Jon has some important trivia questions for you while you search for the wrapping paper. It's like a pub quiz, but without the burden of human inter...
Episode 103: Episode One Hundred and Three: "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow"
Today's time-killing daily game recommendation: Timeguessr. Look at an old photo, figure out what year it was taken and where exactly on a map. Great if you often find you just have too much time in a day. Rounds include Lovely Day Tripper and Anyone But.Join the Patreon and become a Cupboard Dweller!Get your Quiz Cupboard merch here.Social media:- Instagram- TwitterThanks to:CGBJTLord and Lady Grames of LutonBrandon HuntGwynne YColin FarleyNat PandaZach and JPSteven (aka Jaye’s Boyfriend)Queen Sherbert FlavourLucille Pavlov & SandbagLady EkaterinaSandra from Malmö SwedenElisa & MartinEmmaShauna and BasCaroline RDante PetrinIan and Beth's road tripsChar & Olliestrangelove1976Dorna & DamianMatt & JoJozef McGowanThom WickesBecky Rossiter & Brendan CuffeJames Taylor
Preview: Oscars Special II
The Oscars were over a week ago but the buzz continues... here and only here.This is a free preview of a subscribers-only episode from the Quiz Cupboard Patreon, which can easily be found by clicking the blue text below or using your favourite search engine.Click here to become a Cupboard Dweller, hear the rest of this episode and support The Quiz Cupboard.
Episode 102: Episode One Hundred and Two: "Thief, Monsters, Curse, Labyrinth, [what?]"
Time to hang the 'Gone Quizzing' sign on your door. This week's quiz includes maybe the worst thing Jon's ever done to music. Rounds include Broken Karaoke Machine and Last In Line.Join the Patreon and become a Cupboard Dweller!Get your Quiz Cupboard merch here.Social media:- Instagram- TwitterThanks to:CGBJTLord and Lady Grames of LutonBrandon HuntGwynne YColin FarleyNat PandaZach and JPSteven (aka Jaye’s Boyfriend)Queen Sherbert FlavourLucille Pavlov & SandbagLady EkaterinaSandra from Malmö SwedenElisa & MartinEmmaShauna and BasCaroline RDante PetrinIan and Beth's road tripsChar & Olliestrangelove1976Dorna & DamianMatt & JoJozef McGowanThom WickesBecky Rossiter & Brendan CuffeJames Taylor
Episode 101: Episode One Hundred and One: "I'll help you be Popular"
Like its namesake room, Episode 101 contains your worst fear. If you suffer from the all-too-common but as-yet-unnamed phobia of audio quizzes, that is. Rounds include Heard Together and Anything But.Join the Patreon and become a Cupboard Dweller!Get your Quiz Cupboard merch here.Social media:- Instagram- TwitterThanks to:CGBJTLord and Lady Grames of LutonBrandon HuntGwynne YColin FarleyNat PandaZach and JPSteven (aka Jaye’s Boyfriend)Queen Sherbert FlavourLucille Pavlov & SandbagLady EkaterinaSandra from Malmö SwedenElisa & MartinEmmaShauna and BasCaroline RDante PetrinIan and Beth's road tripsChar & Olliestrangelove1976Dorna & DamianMatt & JoJozef McGowan
Preview: Love Special II
Jennifer Love Hewitt's birth month seems to come around quicker every year, so here's another loosely Love-Themed quiz.This is a free preview of a subscribers-only episode from the Quiz Cupboard Patreon, which can easily be found by clicking the blue text below or using your favourite search engine.Click here to become a Cupboard Dweller, hear the rest of this episode and support The Quiz Cupboard.
Come on in! Jon has some important trivia questions for you while you search for the wrapping paper. It's like a pub quiz, but without the burden of human interaction.Whether it's recreating song intros with the wrong instrument or asking you to name the last thing on a seemingly random list, The Quiz Cupboard is veritably cluttered with innovative rounds and challenges for anyone who likes to think they Know Things. Fans of Only Connect, Popmaster, Pointless and House of Games - look no further for your next road trip.