Find out all about the twinkly star Sirius and why it is associated with dogs and Harry Potter in this fortnight’s episode. Join your host Becky as she delves deeper into the mythology of this star.
UTS Shorts are a series of quick listens full of information about things you can see in the night sky from your place. Pop on a warm jacket, head outside under the stars and play the podcast. Under The Stars is an Award Winning nomadic Stargazing Service in the Wairarapa, New Zealand.
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Talking about M42, Orion Part 2 - Under The Stars #Shorts
This episode join Becky as she takes us nearly 1500ly away to a distant nebula to look at some baby stars that are in the classic constellation of Orion. If you have a pair of binoculars you may like to grab them and check out this nebula with us.
UTS Shorts are a series of quick listens full of information about things you can see in the night sky from your place. Pop on a warm jacket, head outside under the stars and play the podcast. Under The Stars is an Award Winning nomadic Stargazing Service in the Wairarapa, New Zealand.
Find out more at
Talking about Orion Part 1 - Under The Stars #Shorts
This episode of Under The Stars Shorts, host Becky looks at our classic summer constellation of Orion. Find out how you can be a citizen scientist and how Orion can help understand how dark our skies are.
UTS Shorts are a series of quick listens full of information about things you can see in the night sky from your place. Pop on a warm jacket, head outside under the stars and play the podcast. Under The Stars is an Award Winning nomadic Stargazing Service in the Wairarapa, New Zealand.
Find out more at
Talking about The Sun - Under The Stars #Shorts
This week on Under The Stars Shorts, Becky talks about our nearest star, the Sun! We may take it for granted occasionally but hopefully over summer we will see it a bit more frequently than the last months of 2021. Learn all about the Sun in today’s episode.
UTS Shorts are a series of quick listens full of information about things you can see in the night sky from your place. Pop on a warm jacket, head outside under the stars and play the podcast. Under The Stars is an Award Winning nomadic Stargazing Service in the Wairarapa, New Zealand.
Find out more at
Listen to all of Season 1 - Under The Stars #Shorts
Season 2 starts next weekend, get ready for the night sky with this Omnibus edition of Season 1.
UTS Shorts are a series of quick listens full of information about things you can see in the night sky from your place. Pop on a warm jacket, head outside under the stars and play the podcast.
Under The Stars is an Award Winning nomadic Stargazing Service in the Wairarapa, New Zealand. Find out more at