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PodcastsKids & Family中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄
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中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

Podcast 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄
貝貝媽咪 BeiBei Mommy
故事podcast by 貝貝媽咪😍一位在美國愛說故事的 臨‌床‌藥‌師‌媽咪🥳 裡面有 成語、科學、寓言故事等,讓孩子們用聽故事的方式來學習 啟發孩子的想像力、思考力、愛💕、關懷。 以生動活潑的廣播劇方式, 帶著小朋友用想像力一起進入故事世界裡🍄 A story Podcast for kids in Man...

Available Episodes

5 of 57
  • EP48 【傳說&科學報導】天狗吃太陽☀️|日全食報導 Total Solar Eclipse Story and News
    ☀️4/08/2024在北美洲發生了日全食, 高掛在天空的太陽突然不見了,天空突然暗了下來,這到底是怎麼一回事呢?在古時候大家以為太陽是被天狗吃掉了,所以流傳著一個「天狗吃太陽」的傳說故事... ☀️故事之後,還有 【兒童新聞報一報】誰把太陽吃掉了,日全食介紹喔~【World News for Little People】Total Solar Eclipse  💡想試試看【兒童新聞考一考】嗎?請聽「貝媽豆妹童樂會」Podcast EP.29兒童新聞-日全食 (「貝媽豆妹童樂會」節目比較high一點,比較適合非睡覺時間聽喔~😉🥳) 🍄劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 ; 特別感謝四歲的牛牛演出天狗 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy 🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/   歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message  ☎️貝貝媽咪⁠⁠⁠語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line⁠⁠⁠ 🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,歡迎大家一起來開童樂會喔!During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs, chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. 🎧收聽連結Listening links: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214 Flink 萬用連結: https://open.firstory.me/user/littlemandarinparty/platforms ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知~ ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share. 📧Email:  [email protected] ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcast (to help purchase music/stories, and equipment): Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support
  • 🐲龍年吉祥話 Dragon Year Blessings 🧨
    🧨在過年期間小朋友會到親朋好友家拜年,貝貝媽咪來教小朋友一些龍年的吉祥話,小朋友去拜年時可以用到喔 ~ 貝貝媽咪 祝福大家 鯉躍龍門,步步高升,心想事成,好運龍總來!😘 🧧一起來做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~ Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo recipe. 影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0 🧧貼春聯美勞 Print out/ Spring decoration Print Out  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/view?usp=sharing 🧧帶動唱:「恭喜恭喜」New year Song “Congratulations!” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/%E8%B2%9D%E5%AA%BD%E8%B1%86%E5%A6%B9%E7%AB%A5%E6%A8%82%E6%9C%83-little-mandarin-party/id1597611214?i=1000549030398
  • Rebroadcast 【改編故事】調皮搗蛋的年獸🥳 The Naughty Nian Monster
    🐉迎接新年的到來,一起來和貝媽豆妹動手做「蜜糖紅豆年糕」吧!!超級簡單呦,只要三個材料攪一攪,蒸一下,好吃的紅豆年糕就完成囉~😋 影片連結video link:https://youtu.be/P6dezUEvci0 Try out this super easy semi homemade niángāo (lunar new year rice cake) recipe with BeiMa. It's a very fun new year activity for kids! 🧧貼春聯美勞printout https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UyqrIDVbsRX0p_PhrE3VvUSdMfhPgArU/view?usp=sharing🍭今天貝貝媽咪要和大家分享一個我特別為小朋友改編的故事-調皮搗蛋的年獸,是一個可愛調皮版的年獸故事,適合小朋友聽喔~ 🍭The Naughty Nian Monster likes to play tricks on people on Lunar New Year’s Eve…I modified the traditional story to make it more suitable for our young audience. 🍄故事改編、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy 🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/   歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message ☎️貝貝媽咪⁠語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line⁠ 🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,歡迎大家一起來開童樂會喔!During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs, chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. 🎧收聽連結Listening links: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214 Flink 萬用連結: https://open.firstory.me/user/littlemandarinparty/platforms ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知~ ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share. 📧Email:  [email protected] ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcast (to help purchase music/stories, and equipment): Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support #年的故事 #年獸 #LunarNewYearStory #NianMonster #調皮搗蛋的年獸#兒童故事 #床邊故事 #storypodcast #mandarinstory #chinesestory #kidsstory #寓言故事 #故事podcast #kidsstory #兒童podcast  #故事播客 #bedtimestory #storyinmandarin #kidsstorypodcast #storypodcastinmandarin #mandarinpodcastforkids #睡前故事 #中文故事 #床邊故事
  • 🎃萬聖節魔法糖果 (全)🍬 Halloween magical candy 🍬
    🍭貝貝媽咪將之前萬聖節魔法糖果故事上下集,結合成一集, 祝福大家有一個平安快樂的萬聖節喔~ 🎃想知道萬聖節的由來和故事嗎?請聽:貝媽豆妹童樂會-萬聖節特輯 🌿每位小朋友都是獨特的,活出自己的天賦,接受並擁抱自己的與眾不同~ 在上一集萬聖節魔法糖果故事中,魔法師奇奇跟三隻小蝙蝠說明了在拿魔法變身糖果之前,需要先接受挑戰,如果挑戰成功了,就可以得到魔法變身糖果,咚咚、麗麗和波波很勇敢的對魔法師奇奇說他們願意接受挑戰,他們會遇到的挑戰是什麼呢? 🌿Everyone is unique. Let’s celebrate our strengths, accept and embrace our uniqueness.     In the magical forest, there are 3 very unique young bats, one has unusually large wings, one has unusually large ears and one speaks extremely slowly. They heard of the sorceress who hands out magical candies that have the power to transform.. …... 🍄原創故事、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 🍄story written by: BeiBei Mommy; voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知,每周更新~ 😻 ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share.  One new episode weekly. 😻 🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/   歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message 📧Email:  [email protected] ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcasts (to help purchase music/sound effects, stories, and equipment): Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support Music contribution: The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Thus Happy and Free (For Recorders - Papalin) The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 - Chaconne (For Recorders - Papalin) from https://musopen.org/music Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  • EP47【科學劇場】🌥️棉花糖白雲☁️ Cotton Candy Clouds
    ☀️徴稿中~各位創意無限的爸爸媽媽😄,你有適合小朋友的故事、童樂會內容和小朋友分享嗎?歡迎大家和貝媽投稿喔,一起加入為小朋友製作節目的行列吧~💪💪 (email: [email protected]) 🍭白雲是什麼做成的呢?是棉花糖嗎?💡科學小知識: ✔︎雲的形成 ✔︎下雨 ✔︎水循環 🍭What is cloud made of? Cotton candy? 💡Science topics:✔︎cloud formation ✔︎ rain ✔︎water cycle 🍄廣播劇本、配音、製作: 貝貝媽咪 ;本集特別感謝Rachel媽媽配叭噗冰淇淋叫賣聲🫶 🍄script writer, voice actor, producer: BeiBei Mommy  🟦facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/littleMandarinPod/   歡迎來參觀留言喔~Please come visit and leave me a message  ☎️貝貝媽咪⁠⁠語音信箱 BeiBei Mommy’s voice message line⁠⁠ 🥳貝媽的另一個節目「貝媽豆妹童樂會 」Please also check out “Little Mandarin Party” podcast 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,歡迎大家一起來開童樂會喔!During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs, chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. 🎧收聽連結Listening links: Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id1597611214 Flink 萬用連結: https://open.firstory.me/user/littlemandarinparty/platforms ❤️如果喜歡聽貝貝媽咪說故事, 記得訂閱和跟朋友分享喔,有新的故事就可以收到通知~ ❤️If you like listening to my stories, please remember to subscribe and share. 📧Email:  [email protected] ✨贊助貝媽買故事/音樂/設備 Sponsor our Podcast (to help purchase music/stories, and equipment): Paypal @ beimom https://paypal.me/beimom monthly contribution: https://anchor.fm/beibeimommy/support

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About 中文故事屋 Little Mandarin Pod 🍄

故事podcast by 貝貝媽咪😍一位在美國愛說故事的 臨‌床‌藥‌師‌媽咪🥳 裡面有 成語、科學、寓言故事等,讓孩子們用聽故事的方式來學習 啟發孩子的想像力、思考力、愛💕、關懷。 以生動活潑的廣播劇方式, 帶著小朋友用想像力一起進入故事世界裡🍄 A story Podcast for kids in Mandarin produced by BeiBei Mommy, who loves telling stories to kids and using different voices to act out different roles to bring stories to life🍄 All the stories are modified/created to make them more engaging for kids. Kids can listen to stories and sharpen their Mandarin skills, learn about culture, science and a lot more to inspire curiosity, love💕, and kindness. 🟦Facebook: 請搜尋 "中文故事屋" search for "Little Mandarin Pod"
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