Episode 84: 4th Annual Pride Edition! Let’s Celebrate!
Welcome to our 4th annual Pride! One of our favorite times of year!
Martha talks about Batwoman, AKA Kate Kane, and Brittany talks about a bunch of minor Queer Characters that don’t have enough for their own epsiode but are so worth talking about!
This is also a reminder for everyone out there, especially those in the LGBTQIA+ community, we are always a safe space, and are here in anyway we can be.
Happy Pride, and stay safe!
Episode 83:Creepy Pasta is no Laughing Matter
In this weeks episode Brittany talks about The Magnus Archives and Martha Talks about Batman Beyond.
Episode 82: No clever title for this one… sorry folks!
Martha Talks about the Morlocks from Marvel and Brittany Talks about the History of Cosplay!
Episode 81: BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM There’s Himbos In The Room!
On Epsiode 81 Brittany talks about BoomBoom and Martha talks about Himbos!
Episode 80 Part M: Women Do NOT Belong in Refrigerators
Part Martha of our second rant. She RANTS about comics and how they keep putting Women in Refrigerators.