Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor
Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor, iHeart Australia
One is an Australian media legend who doesn’t shy away from toilet humour on the radio, the other has a proper job as a forensic psychologist. Amanda Keller and...
In this live show, Amanda reflects on moments with her mum and the words she never got to say. Anita shares a deeply personal story about losing her dad and the things she thought she had expressed—but now, decades later, realises she hadn’t. And to cap it off, a special guest joins to share how they manage to find glimmers in the most unexpected places—yes, even in roadkill. Facebook Instagram The Double A Chattery podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed and this podcast is no substitute for professional psychological or other medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at the listener’s own risk. Listeners should seek the help of their health care professionals for any medical conditions.See for privacy information.
Japanese Solutions to Loneliness
The need for human connection is universal, but in today's disconnected world loneliness has become an epidemic. Luckily, Amanda has discovered that the Japanese have invented a few unusual solutions... Facebook Instagram The Double A Chattery podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed and this podcast is no substitute for professional psychological or other medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at the listener’s own risk. Listeners should seek the help of their health care professionals for any medical conditions.See for privacy information.
Anita Turned Down WHO?!
Ever turned down Hugh Jackman in a dream? Anita has. And Amanda (rightfully) has questions. Facebook Instagram The Double A Chattery podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed and this podcast is no substitute for professional psychological or other medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at the listener’s own risk. Listeners should seek the help of their health care professionals for any medical conditions. See for privacy information.
Is There a Female Equivalent of “Being Emasculated”?
This week, we're talking about preconceived ideas about romantic relationships between men and women. Apparently, according to an article our resident psychologist read recently, men need us and want us more than they let on. Who would have guessed it? Facebook Instagram The Double A Chattery podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed and this podcast is no substitute for professional psychological or other medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at the listener’s own risk. Listeners should seek the help of their health care professionals for any medical conditions.See for privacy information.
Is January The Longest Month in Existence?
Are you suffering from post-holiday blues? You're not alone! Anita, ever-curious, went searching on the internet and came across an article that gives some absolutely ridiculous advice on how to "ease your back to work blues". Although we do like the suggestion to "Incorporate elements of your holiday into daily life". Breakfast Piña Coladas, anyone? Facebook Instagram The Double A Chattery podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed and this podcast is no substitute for professional psychological or other medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The use of information in this podcast is at the listener’s own risk. Listeners should seek the help of their health care professionals for any medical conditions.See for privacy information.
About Double A Chattery with Amanda Keller and Anita McGregor
One is an Australian media legend who doesn’t shy away from toilet humour on the radio, the other has a proper job as a forensic psychologist. Amanda Keller and her best friend Anita McGregor are often seen walking around their neighbourhood or catching up over a cup of tea discussing the things we’re all talking about (or not talking about)
Double A Chattery is your weekly hit for smart, funny, dumb, engaging, and topical conversation.
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