After her failed marriage on Married At First Sight, follow Lauren Dunn as she attempts to find her second husband through some more unconventional methods. In ...
Lauren Dunn hits the streets of Bondi Beach to see if she’d have more luck finding her perfect match by approaching strangers on the street in her wedding dress, asking them: Do you want to be my second husband?
Producer Joshua Fox reckons statistically this direct approach will surely lead to success, especially when he calculated that in 10 years of Married At First Sight, only 6 of the 107 couples the relationship experts have matched based on science, data and extensive interviews have actually stayed together.
Follow It’s Not Me, It’s You on Instagram and TikTok to see the series unfold.
It's Not Me, It's You!
After her failed marriage on Married At First Sight, follow Lauren Dunn as she attempts to find her second husband through some more unconventional methods.
In this Australian first social media-based reality and podcast series, the fan favourite has put her trust in producer Joshua Fox, the man behind cult Instagram page MAFS Funny, to help her get out of her comfort zone when it comes to dating…
After her failed marriage on Married At First Sight, follow Lauren Dunn as she attempts to find her second husband through some more unconventional methods. In this Australian first social media-based reality and podcast series, the fan favourite has put her trust in producer Joshua Fox, the man behind cult Instagram page MAFS Funny, to help her get out of her comfort zone when it comes to dating…
Subscribe to the podcast to hear a new full length episode every Monday at 6AM, and follow the @ItsNotMeItsYouSeries Instagram and TikTok to watch part of the journey too.