It's July and we are surrounded by tomato mysteries. Why are listener Jaime's tomatoes doing weird leaf stuff? Why is Gabe's one "volunteer" tomato plant so gigantic? How can a home gardener transform their tomato nightmares into tomato dreams come true? Gabe and Rebecca also sing the praises of a cut flower garden and offer tips on cutting Hydrangeas for lasting blooms in the vase. By the way, anyone else's hydrangeas going gangbusters this year? And finally, Rebecca debuts a poem called… 10 Things I Hate About Slugs.All this plus recommendations and endorsements!Visit and use the code LEAFINGOUT for 10% off your purchase.Recommendations:Growing Floret's list of recommended bulb and plan sources: Thoughts by Elenor Perenyi Rain Wand you for rating and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you're listening!
Spring Things
Gabe and Rebecca talk about what they're working on in the garden, they're favorite things about Spring, some mistakes, opportunities, and recommendations.Show Notes:Bloodroot -'s Ladder Purple Rain - - - hori knife - Helen Petersen Garden Study -
We're Back with a Winter Update!
Like that zombie plant that you thought for sure was absolutely dead until it miraculously sprung to life, Leafing Out is back! Gabe and Rebecca announce a new May to October season and give some advice on how to prepare for Spring.Find your last frost date: fave seed suppliers:'s Native Plant Gardening board has a source list for native seeds: don't use Round-Up or other weed killers: us or send us a voice memo at [email protected]@Leafingoutpod on instagram for sick gardening memesLeafing Out season 2 starts May 15th!
Whoopsie Daisy Watering!
Gabe and Rebecca introduce a learn-from-our-mistakes segment inspired by Hugh Grant in Notting Hill: whoopsie daisy! In this case the topic is: don't forgot to water your damn plants! But is watering that simple? How much water do plants really need? And what does it mean "water until established"? They get into all that and so much more.
Signs of Spring and Gabe's Compost Craze
We're talking about the equinox, early signs of spring in our garden, and Gabe's garden obsession: compost!