Practical tips about Witchcraft, tarot, herbs, magic, rituals, and more from the official home of the original Practical Witch‘s Almanac, celebrating 25 years o...
Samhain blessings to you! On the secular side, it's been a frightening Halloween season this year. Post-election: Where do we go from here?
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Broom Flights of Fancy
Practical Tips sprinkled into a fun episode about farcical flights. Lighten the mood during the stressful time of back-to-school chaos, election ads, and upcoming holidays.
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Making Tinctures, Incense, Ritual Beverages
Learn how to make tinctures from fresh or dried herbs and botanicals. Simple ways to make single, double, and triple extracts. Plus, turn your bundle of herbs into incense sticks! How to add a little magic to your ritual beverages, and more.
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Oil Infusions, Ointments & Lip Balm
Tips, tricks, and techniques for making great ointments and balms!
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Magical Anchors
Unscripted talk on creating magical anchors, meditation basics (box breathing and a simple visualization), summer celebration ideas, and more.
Practical tips about Witchcraft, tarot, herbs, magic, rituals, and more from the official home of the original Practical Witch‘s Almanac, celebrating 25 years of service.