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🌺 A parent said "It's like having a preschool teacher in my pocket"!
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Nurture your baby's language through guided interactive play.
"Let's wave hello!"
"Tickle, tickle, tickle time!"
"I can make them jump high!"
Model how much fun - and how important - it is to read, sing and play with words.
Why a podcast for babies?
This screen-free mix of songs, rhymes, fingerplays and simple stories, are designed to boost your baby's brain, interspersed with important tips and valuable information about how to encourage language and vocabulary development from birth.
It is a tool to use every day for 15 minutes of intentional early literacy skill building and helps during tummy time, fussy moments in the high chair and in the car; your little one will become quiet and intent on listening.
It is trilingual - English, Spanish and American Sign Language, to expose them to the diversity of language.
Every episode reinforces the rhythm and structure of language and exposes your little one to lots of new vocabulary.
Round and Round The Garden,
Two Little Hands,
Book (We All Sing With The Same Voice), Can You.....?
I Have 10 Little Fingers,
It Was Under The Coconut Tree,
Sign Language (Thank You),
Closing (Baby Wordplay's What We Are), Goodbye In Spanish
Hosted by award-winning librarian, early literacy expert, Miss Pam.
* Seasons 1 to 3 are geared to newborn to age 4.
* Season 4 is geared to ages 3 to 4 years and older.
+Remember to *Rate and *Review!* THANKS SO MUCH.
Questions? Send me an email [email protected]
🌺 Warmly, Miss Pam
+TESTIMONIAL: "I love the podcast. My daughter got excited as soon as she heard the first song. Thank you so much for all the things you do."
Thank you - wherever you are listening in the world!
Chinese New Year 2025 - with Grace Lin & Maria Wen Adcock
Subscribe for ad-free access to 100+ episodes
I am delighted to share the audio stage with
Grace Lin
NY Times Bestseller and Caldecott Award winning author of "When the Mountain Meets the Moon"and "A Mooncake for Little Star" and
Maria Adcock
author of "It's Chinese New Year, Curious George!"
1: Xīn Nián Kuài Lè (新年快乐)
shin (like above your ankle)
nian (knee-yen).
kuai (like the bridge over the river kuai).
le (luh ).
2: Chopsticks, noodles, tea and tofu.
3: The lyrics and the music of the song "Gung Hay Fat Choy" was written by Nancy Stewart from Sing With Your Kids:
Gung Hay Fat Choy – Chinese New Year Song (wishing you good fortune and happiness)
CHORUS: (Keep a rhythm patting hands together one hand up, then the other)
Gung Hay Fat Choy, Gung Hay Fat ChoySing Happy New Year, Gung Hay Fat Choy
The new moon tells us, exactly when
(hold up hand in C shape for crescent moon)
To celebrate with family and friends (clap hands in rhythm)
Clean up the house and get out the broom
Sweep out the old year, bring in the new
(pretend to sweep)
Bring out the apples, the oranges too
(hold out one fist, then the other)
Their colors bring us joy and good luck too
The dragon dances, the lanterns light
(place hands together, and snake around )
The firecrackers light up the night
(alternate right and left fist with fingers opening quickly to mimic shooting fireworks).
4: I added a tune to a few of the pages of the book Dragon Dance by Joan Holub, illustrated by Benrei Huang to make the song about the awesome color 'red'.
🐍 Thanks Amber for your New Years' greetings straight from China!
🐍 Grace Lin and to
🐍 Maria Wen Adcock
2025 Year of the Snake
#50. I Have Feelings, So Do You! Let's Sing About It!
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- 100+ episodes 12-15 minutes - for babies and toddlers and the grownups who love them!
From Miss Pam, Children's Librarian and Early Literacy Expert with over 35 years of experience.
🌺 Share, Rate and *Review!*
THANKS - it means so much to us!
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**If your region doesn't allow Spotify or Apple subscriptions, then please head to to subscribe to our premium feed of over 100+ episodes
Repetition is the key to learning, however, no two episodes are the same!
Why a podcast for babies?
Get your baby cooing, babbling and talking - micro-steps to language.
A mix of songs, rhymes and simple stories, is a joyful, educational tool to use every day for 12 minutes of intentional read, rhyme and singing - early literacy and numeracy skill building.
REPERTOIRE gives you and your baby a shared repertoire of songs, stories, rhymes and more.
Once your child is familiar with a few episodes it's helpful to ease FUSSY MOMENTS
*Look for themed playlists on Spotify
*SEASONS 1 to 3 are geared to newborn to age 4.
*SEASON 4 is geared to ages to 2- 4+ years.
+Please *Rate and *Review!* THANKS
Questions? Send me an email [email protected]
🌺 Warmly, Miss Pam
Formerly of Princeton Public Library, Princeton, NJ, USA
+TESTIMONIAL: "I love the podcast. My daughter got excited as soon as she heard the first song. Thank you so much."
For more information Baby Wordplay
Questions? Issues with subscribing?
Please send me an email [email protected] or DM on Instagram!(Don't stay frustrated :)
Warmly, Miss Pam 🌺
#48. Dance With Mommy!
Subscribe for ad-free access to over 100 episodes for babies & toddlers.
Inside the episode:
-Dancing In My Bones - S. Andrews
-Bend and Streeetch!
-Clap Your Hands
-Say, Say Oh Baby!
-Baby Pokey
-Mama's Little Baby Loves Dancing
-If You're Happy and You Know It
-Zoom to the Moon
and more!
*Rate and *Review!* Thank you!
🌺 For more information about Baby Wordplay
Questions? Send me an email
🌺 Warmly, Miss Pam
#35 What do you HEAR!?🐦🔔🥁
To subscribe to the complete catalog of over one hundred episodes:
+APPLE $2.99 PER MONTH no ads
+SPOTIFY $2.99 PER MONTH no ads
**For other subscription options head to to subscribe to our premium feed of all 100+ episodes.
From Miss Pam, Children's Librarian and Early Literacy Expert with over 35 years of experience.
Repetition is the key to learning, however, no two episodes are the same!
*Why a podcast for babies?
Get your baby cooing, babbling and talking - micro-steps to language.
A mix of songs, rhymes and simple stories, is a joyful, educational tool to use every day for 12 minutes of intentional read, rhyme and singing - early literacy and numeracy skill building.
REPERTOIRE gives you and your baby a shared repertoire of songs, stories, rhymes and more.
Once your child is familiar with a few episodes use it to ease those fussy moments or to get a 12 minute break! :)
*SEASONS 1 to 3 are geared to newborn to age 4. *SEASON 4 is geared to ages to 2- 4+ years.
*Find Themed Playlists On Spotify
All seasons are fun for all ages!
+Please *Rate and *Review!* THANKS
Questions or problems? Send me an email [email protected]
🌺 Warmly, Miss Pam Formerly of Princeton Public Library, Princeton, NJ, USA
+TESTIMONIAL: "I love the podcast. My daughter got excited as soon as she heard the first song. Thank you so much."
🌺 For more information @BabyWordplay
Become a Paid Subscriber:
🌺 A parent said "It's like having a preschool teacher in my pocket"!
*Pamela Groves, aka Miss Pam Children's librarian, with 30 years experience as a children's librarian and early literacy expert.
A tool to help you connect with your baby-to foster literacy + numeracy
* Get them babbling, talking & gesturing - the micro-steps to speech
There are over 100 episodes available in our *PREMIUM* feeds. Search on Apple, Spotify or head to our website.
* I model how to read, rhyme, sing + use gestures + touch to engage and connect with your baby.