Speech Uncensored: A Speech Language Pathology Podcast
Leigh Ann Porter, MA, CCC-SLP
Hosted by Leigh Ann Porter, MA, CCC-SLP, the Speech Uncensored Podcast explores the world of medical Speech and Language Pathology. Building on a passion for ed...
165: MedConcerns app: Promoting Healthcare Equality for People with Aphasia Hilary Sample, MA, CCC-SLP and Steven Richman MD
Hilary and Steve join Leigh Ann on the podcast to discuss the development of the MedConcerns app to help healthcare providers and families overcome the challenges of understanding and meeting the medical needs and concerns of people with aphasia. The app creators share about the healthcare inequality that exists for people with aphasia due to lack of widespread use of effective communication supports, and a lack of training for healthcare providers on meeting unique communication needs. They discuss how this app was designed to increase access to healthcare for people with aphasia, while also reducing the communication challenge for healthcare providers. People with aphasia have a right to equal access to healthcare, and can communicate with the right supports. The MedConcerns app embeds communication supports, making patient-provider communication easier no matter the level of training. Check out the show notes at https://www.speechuncensored.com/podcastepisodes/165
164: Mealtime Modifications for Individuals with Dementia with Erin Butler, M.S. CCC-SLP
Eating and drinking brings pleasure to most; however, dementia can bring about significant changes in one’s communication, cognition, sensation, appetite and ability to eat and drink. When dysphagia and dementia co-occur, speech-language pathologists play a vital role on the interdisciplinary team and should be a cornerstone in care until end of life in this population. This episode focuses the discussion on mealtime modifications to enhance nutrition, hydration and quality of life for these individuals.
Treat the individual, not the diagnosis!
Dementia looks different for each person, and when eating challenges present, viewing the whole picture is crucial to determine any barriers present that may be impacting their nutrition, hydration and quality of life.
Check out show notes at https://www.speechuncensored.com/podcastepisodes/164
Reimagining Functional Neurological Disorder: Moving Beyond the 'Psychogenic' Label with Catherine Gregory, CPSP, PhD, MSLP, BSc
Dr Cath Gregory chats about the latest evidence in Functional Neurological Disorders and the speech-language pathologist’s role when working with people with Functional Neurological Communication and Swallowing Disorders.
Key Takeaway: (1-2 sentences of the main theme.)
Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a problem with the ‘software’ of the brain that can occur across the lifespan. No longer classed as ‘psychogenic’, this disorder is now known to follow a biopsychosocial model of illness. It is essential that a positive diagnosis, rather than a diagnosis of exclusion, occurs. Clear education about the disorder and the use of distraction to help access more autonomic pathways is the current consensus treatment for communication and swallowing disorders. A multidisciplinary approach is always required for people with more complex needs. Check out the show notes on https://www.speechuncensored.com/podcastepisodes/163
162: “My colleague said I can’t use PROMs” with Sarah Baar, MA, CCC-SLP
Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are a powerful assessment and outcome measurement tool in a person-centered approach - but many SLPs are not yet using this tool. Leigh Ann and Sarah talk about how PROMs have been transformative in their clinical practice - and also how they’ve navigated conversations with colleagues who don’t think PROMs are part of best practice. PROMs provide SLPs a tool to measure all of the ways a person has been positively impacted through speech therapy. There are tons of resources to support use of PROMs, including research articles and Medicare standards. Check out the show notes for Sarah's references and resources located at https://www.speechuncensored.com/podcastepisodes/162
161: Complex dysphagia in Outpatient Rehab with Carolyn Abraham, M.S., CCC-SLP, BCS-S, CLT
Carolyn and Leigh Ann catch up about outpatient life and then Carolyn deep-dives into a day in the life of a SLP working in an Outpatient Neuro setting, treating complex dysphagia associated with various diagnoses including Head and Neck Cancer, Lung Transplant Recipients. Carolyn has carved out an exciting specialty in outpatient and demonstrates how there's always opportunities for growth as clinicians through various avenues! Check out Carolyn's fantastic resources in the show notes hosted at https://www.speechuncensored.com/podcastepisodes/161
About Speech Uncensored: A Speech Language Pathology Podcast
Hosted by Leigh Ann Porter, MA, CCC-SLP, the Speech Uncensored Podcast explores the world of medical Speech and Language Pathology. Building on a passion for education and implementing best practice approaches, Leigh Ann created the Speech Uncensored Podcast to connect medical SLPs with meaningful resources, emerging research, and practical tools. Leigh Ann’s goal is to empower and connect SLPs to enhance our profession and accelerate the research to practice pipeline. Visit https://www.speechuncensored.com/ for resources discussed in the episodes (located in the show notes tab).
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