Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resource...
This is the third in our series of conversations where we seek to agree upon a maths lesson structure. This time around, we continue our discussion of the Do Now, this time focusing on the choice of content, and what students do whilst working on the Do Now. As ever, we go super deep. So, I hope people enjoy it.Show-notes:
In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. I’ve been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seemed a good idea to chat through our ideas to see where we agreed and differed.My original plan was to cover this all in one pod. But, as you will hear, I may have been a bit optimistic about that. So, we are going to turn this into a series of episodes. Given how far we got in this conversation, we should just about wrap up our dive into a lesson structure by 2029.Access the show notes here:
In this episode, Ollie and I tried something different. I've been working with a school to help develop a departmental lesson structure with their maths team. I know Ollie had been doing something similar with a school he has been working with, so it seemed a good idea to chat through our ideas to see where we agreed and differed.My original plan was to cover this all in one pod. But, as you will hear, I may have been a bit optimistic about that. So, we are going to turn this into a series of episodes. Given how far we got in this conversation, we should just about wrap up our dive into a lesson structure by 2029.You can access the show-notes here:
#194 A chat about Ollie Lovell's lesson
Ollie Lovell sent me a recording of a maths lesson he had recently taught in a school he has been supporting. I suggested we discuss the lesson, centring around Ollie’s planning, the decisions he made, and his responses in the lesson. Fortunately, Ollie agreed, hence what you are listening to now.
I have shared the video clips from the sections of the lesson that we discussed on the show-note page here:
#193 Tools and Tips for Teachers: Episode 14 (with Ollie Lovell)
In this conversation, Craig Barton and Ollie Lovell discuss various topics related to teaching and professional development. They touch on the importance of aligning pedagogy in schools and the potential benefits and drawbacks of co-constructing instructional practices. They also discuss effective strategies for delivering CPD, including cold calling participants and switching partners during activities. Craig shares his takeaways from attending CPD sessions by Doug Lemov and from Ollie's conversation with Harry Fletcher-Wood. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of thoughtful and intentional approaches to teaching and professional development. In this part of the conversation, Craig and Ollie discuss the importance of effective training and the role of habits in learning. They also explore the power of writing as a tool for participation and reflection. They highlight the need for visible writing to facilitate discussion and the benefits of rewriting to deepen understanding. They also discuss the importance of pushing conversations to a higher level to uncover underlying beliefs and assumptions. Finally, they reflect on the challenges of one-off PD sessions and the value of distilling wisdom into actionable takeaways. You can view the shownotes here:
Should school teaching and learning playbooks be constructed? (07:54)
Reflections on Doug Lemov CPD (29:17)
Effective training focusses on developing habits (44:08)
The power of writing (59:01)
During tricky conversations, push to a higher level (1:08:43)
The importance (and perils) of models during CPD (1:22:04)
Craig Barton interviews guests from the wonderful world of education about their approaches to teaching, educational research and more. All show notes, resources and videos here: