Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant, is host of two nationally syndicated radio shows–Steve Dale’s Pet World and The Pet Minute–as well as host of ...
Dr. Dana Varble, chief veterinary officer North American Veterinary Community, talks about the giant VMX veterinary conference and takes pet parents behind the curtain. What’s new for pets in 2025? Mostly, the latest and greatest will fall into two buckets, individualized medicine and AI, and we go deep talking about each.
PetCast: Crystal Ball for Pets for 2025
Dr. Adam Christman, chief medical officer DVM360, whips out his crystal ball offering his predictions for what you will all experience regarding pet care for 2025. At the start of this list is artificial intelligence, it’s here from helping diagnostics to smart collars to training tools to new ways to discover pain recognition. How veterinarians […]
PetCast: Pet safety over the Howlidays
This is the time of year when organizations such the Pet Poison Helpline (PPH) receive the most calls. Steve talks with veterinary toxicologist Dr. Renee Scmid, director of veterinary medicine and a senior veterinary toxicologist at PPH. Lilies are fragrant for us but very toxic to cats. And chocolate is never a good idea. She […]
PetCast: Human animal bond
Human Animal Bond Association’s International Human Animal Bond Day is November 8. Dr. Marc Bekoff, professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society has authored so many important books about dogs. His most recent is Dogs Demystified: An A to Z Guide to […]
PetCast: Single ingredient is the key
Dr. Ernie Ward, is a world-renowned expert and advocate for pet health and nutrition. He’s the founder and President of the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. He explains just how many pets are overweight or obese. He says we need to stop playing the blame game. Yes, feeding too much and feeding the too many […]
Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant, is host of two nationally syndicated radio shows–Steve Dale’s Pet World and The Pet Minute–as well as host of Steve Dale’s Pet World, WGN Radio, Chicago.