This podcast is about everything to do with tramping (or tramping adjacent) in the Tararua Ranges, New Zealand covering a wide range of topics from different tr...
In Episode 2 of Tararua Fever I explore the difficulty of planning a nice easy stroll in the Tararua Ranges. I speak of a previous trip with some friends where we had to slightly pivot on the original plan. I look into what we were looking for in an ‘easy trip’ for the weekend and a lesson learnt for me in not underestimating distances and difficulty that can come up with any trip. I also host a special guest from the Hutt Valley Tramping Club to speak about the club, how they got involved, and a few former trip experiences to finish with. On all accounts, we are delirious with the Fever !!
Tararua Fever - Have you got the Fever ??
In this first episode of Tararua Fever I introduce the concept of what this podcast is all about, who I am, why I love tramping in the Tararua Ranges and a segment on a previous tramp of the Northern Crossing. I then host the first interview with a very special guest about a another past trip we have done. The quality of the recordings below average and this is my first time as a podcaster but if listeners are keen on the content then I hope you enjoy - maybe it will get better over time !!
This podcast is about everything to do with tramping (or tramping adjacent) in the Tararua Ranges, New Zealand covering a wide range of topics from different tramps, access and updates, interviews with experts, and more !