What does the Ghost of Christmas Past teach Scrooge? A Christmas Carol explained for GCSE English Literature
Looking at what Scrooge learns through seeing scenes of his lonely childhood, his generous boss Fezziwig and the heartbreaking time when Belle broke off their engagement.
What does Marley teach Scrooge? A Christmas Carol explained for GCSE English Literature
What does Marley teach Scrooge? How Dickens shows the ghost of his old partner to be judged in the afterlife for what he failed to do in his lifetime.
What's wrong with Scrooge? Explaining A Christmas Carol for GCSE English Literature
What's wrong with the way Ebenezer Scrooge chooses to live his life anyway? Surely it's his business if he wants to keep his money to himself? This podcast gives an overview of why Dickens suggests that Scrooge's attitude is problematic.
My Mother’s Perfume by Pascale Petit - GCSE Poetry explored
Discussing the themes and images in 'My Mother's Perfume', particularly the sinister tone and atmosphere as the persona has a toxic relationship with the mother.
Who is trapped and powerless in Of Mice and Men?
GCSE English Literature podcast exploring who is trapped and powerless in Of Mice and Men, looking at George's predicament in having to shoot Lennie to save him from Curley.