The Child in Our Midst is more than just another parenting podcast. It's for parents & ministry leaders who want to help their children feel loved and valued by...
In the final episode of Season 1, Ahyuwani & Lindsey are joined by Kelli Dunn & Melissa Deelstra. Kelli & Melissa are both parents and ministry leaders who have been working out a lot of what we have talked about in this podcast both in their ministry contexts and at home. They share about the idea of Sacred Play & join Ahyuwani and Lindsey in reflecting on the first season of The Child in Our Midst. Kids school us on how to play. We hope you'll connect with us online at or by following us on Instagram and Facebook @faithandchildren. Stay tuned for Season 2!
"I Am Loved by God" with Jared Patrick Boyd
As we approach the end of our first season, we focus on the love of Jesus and its power to transform our lives. Jared Patrick Boyd, author of Imaginative Prayer and Finding Freedom in Constraint joins Lindsey and Ahyuwani for a conversation about how to create spaces where we can experience and pay attention to the love of Jesus together. Children share what they love about their families and belonging to God's family.The Child in Our Midst is a podcast of the Center for Faith and Children, where we’re reimagining church where a child’s faith flourishes. It’s produced by Area Code Audio.
"I Can Wonder About the Bible" with Dr. Emily McGowin
We all have some sense that "reading the Bible" is important and something that we *should* be doing in our homes. But what happens when we actually read the Bible? How can we handle the difficult topics contained in Scripture and what should we do with the tricky questions it raises for our kids (and for us too!)? This week, we hear what real kids have to say about the Bible, reflect on how reading the Bible with our kids might actually help us grow, and talk about the practical challenges of actually reading the Bible as a family. The Child in Our Midst is a podcast of the Center for Faith and Children, where we’re reimagining church where a child’s faith flourishes. It’s produced by Area Code Audio.
5. "I Can Worship God" with Dr. Robbie Castleman
But is worship even developmentally appropriate for kids? What can they get out of worship? Dr. Robbie Castleman, author of Parenting in the Pew helps us to see the worship service as a story that we can share with our children. Through her own stories, she helps us to think long-term about the investment we make when we invite children to worship. Several kids share what they think about worship. The Child in Our Midst is a podcast of the Center for Faith and Children, where we’re reimagining church where a child’s faith flourishes. It’s produced by Area Code Audio.
4. "I Can Face Hard Things" with Dr. Holly Allen
Is faith good for kids? Can it help them face the hard things they face now and will face in the future?Dr. Holly Allen shares where research on resilience and spirituality intersect. We’ll discuss what a connection to Jesus and to a faith community have to do with children’s ability to bear up under the large and small challenges they will face. Children share stories of hard things & what has helped them overcome. The Child in Our Midst is a podcast of the Center for Faith and Children, where we’re reimagining church where a child’s faith flourishes. It’s produced by Area Code Audio.
The Child in Our Midst is more than just another parenting podcast. It's for parents & ministry leaders who want to help their children feel loved and valued by God, going beyond rules & regulations and seeing their children with more kindness and empathy. Join co-hosts Lindsey & Ahyuwani on a warm and relatable journey as they explore faith through the eyes of children. Each episode features expert guests, insightful conversations, and genuine contributions from real kids.