Welcome to 'The Unteachables Podcast', your go-to resource for practical classroom management strategies and teacher support. I’m your host, Claire English, a p...
#106: Steal these 10 exit tasks for better engagement, behaviour, and calm end to the lesson.
Exit tasksExit slipsPlenariesWhatever you want to call them......they are SO much more than just a tool to consolidate learning or tick off reflection and self-assessment boxes.When used effectively, they:👉 Reinforce engagement and behaviour expectations.👉 Encourage work completion by becoming part of your routine.👉 Show students you care if they engage or finish their work!!However, in reality...Students can quickly become bored of them because the language is the same.It can feel a little forced, especially as an exit routine if you’re trying to think of plenaries every day.It adds extra work to our plates coming up with these exit tasks and then checking them!That's where this episode comes in. I'm sharing 10 of my no-prep exit questions you can use immediately. These ideas are fun, flexible, and designed to help you feel calm and in control, while keeping your students engaged. THE EXIT TASKS:Here are my 10 exit tasks that you can copy and write up on the board at a moments notice. And of course if you like these, you can grab my teacher favourite 'Exit Doors' presentation with a bunch of other exit routine goodies inside of The Behaviour Club, or at the-unteachables.com/exit1. Teach a Teenie - Imagine you had to explain what you learned in today’s lesson to somebody much younger than you. How might you explain it in the simplest way possible so that they would understand?2. Hi-5 facts - Draw an outline of your hand. On the palm, write down what you think the main idea or main takeaway from the lesson has been. On each finger, write down one small fact that you learned3. $3 Summary - Imagine each word that you write is worth 10c. Write a $3 summary of what you learned in today’s lesson. For example, this sentence is worth $1.30 because it is 13 words long! (Change the currency to whatever your local currency is)4. Catch-up Notes - Imagine one of your friends was absent from class today. Write a list of 5 main things they would need to know from today’s lesson to be all caught up.5. Beat the Teacher - Based on what you learnt today, come up with a quiz question that you think can stump the teacher! Write it down and be ready to test it out.6. One Word - If you had to sum up everything you learned in today’s lesson in just one word, what would it be? Then, explain why you chose that word.7. Rock, Paper, Scissors - Write down:YOUR ROCK: The toughest thing from the lessonYOUR PAPER: The three most important things to make a note ofYOUR SCISSORS: Something least important you’d cut out.8. Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!Resources and links: Take the "What's Your Teacher Type" Quiz Join The Behaviour Club My book! It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management The Low-Level Behaviour Bootcamp Browse all resources on TPT Free guide: 'Chats that Create Change' Connect with me: Follow on Instagram @the.unteachables Check out my website
#105: Quick Win Challenge! Pick up the phone.
In this episode, I explore one of the simplest yet most powerful tools in your emotional piggybank investment toolkit: positive phone calls home. These small acts of connection can have a monumental impact!IN THIS EPISODE, I DISCUSS:Why positive phone calls are a game-changer, including how they build trust and transform relationships with students and their families.The impact on students who display challenging behaviours, explaining why these children often miss out on positive recognition and how this small step can change their narrative.A simple action plan for making a positive call, with step-by-step guidance and a script to help you get started.The ripple effect of connection, describing how a single phone call can spark long-term behaviour change and stronger communication.Your quick-win challenge this week:Commit to just one positive call home. It doesn’t need to be elaborate or lengthy, just heartfelt. Use the script provided in this episode to introduce yourself, share specific positives, and open the door for future communication.Connection is the cornerstone of teaching. Behaviour change will not happen overnight, but every small step matters. Start with one moment of connection, one positive call, and one narrative shift. You’ve got this, wonderful teacher!Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!Resources and links: Take the "What's Your Teacher Type" Quiz Join The Behaviour Club My book! It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management The Low-Level Behaviour Bootcamp Browse all resources on TPT Free guide: 'Chats that Create Change' Connect with me: Follow on Instagram @the.unteachables Check out my website
#104: My 3 non-negotiable exit routines to make the final 15 minutes feel less like crowd control
Does this sound familiar? The final moments of your lesson feel chaotic... unfinished, rushed work, students hovering by the door, mess everywhere, disruption, noise, and disorganisation leaving you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated?If this sounds all too familiar, you are not alone. The good news is that with consistent, simple exit routines, you can transition out of your lesson calmly and purposefully without feeling like a bouncer at the door.IN THIS EPISODE, I DISCUSS:1. Why exit routines are essential:Small, consistent steps at the end of a lesson do more than tidy up; they reinforce engagement, help wrap up the learning, and make classroom transitions less stressful.2. My 3 non-negotiable exit routines:Self-reflection for early finishers – Teach students to ask, "Am I really done?" with an anchor chart that encourages independence and self-checking.Plenaries that stick – Wrap up the learning in a way that reinforces key concepts and expectations without falling into the trap of "death by plenary."The ‘row by row you go’ method – Use a clear, calm system for exiting the classroom that ensures it stays tidy and ready for the next group.3. Practical tools to streamline your routines:From self-reflection prompts to ready-to-go plenary resources, learn how to save time while keeping students engaged and ensuring smooth transitions.When you embed these three routines into every lesson, you can:✅ Reinforce behaviour and work expectations consistently✅ Avoid the chaos that often accompanies lesson endings✅ Create a calm, controlled environment that allows for smooth transitionsReady to take the stress out of your lesson endings? Grab the resources mentioned in this episode inside The Behaviour Club or check out:The Exit Routine Bundle: the-unteachables.com/exitThe Early Finishers Bundle: the-unteachables.com/earlyfinishersHave a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!Resources and links: Take the "What's Your Teacher Type" Quiz Join The Behaviour Club My book! It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management The Low-Level Behaviour Bootcamp Browse all resources on TPT Free guide: 'Chats that Create Change' Connect with me: Follow on Instagram @the.unteachables Check out my website
#103: Quick Win Challenge! The power of hello.
This week’s challenge is all about warm welcomes. While it sounds simple, doing it with intention and consistency can completely transform the culture and community in your classroom.IN THIS EPISODE, I DISCUSS:Why warm welcomes matter, and how greeting each student contributes to their emotional piggy bank, boosts buy-in, and improves behaviour.The power of routines, and why predictability helps students come to class more regulated and ready to learn.Breaking negative cycles, and how a consistent, personal greeting can help reach even the toughest students.Practical tips, including easy ways to make warm welcomes fun, personal, and consistent even on chaotic days.QUICK WIN CHALLENGE:This week, stand at the door and warmly welcome each student as they enter.Keep it simple by using a smile, eye contact, and their name.Add novelty by letting students choose their own greetings, such as a wave, fist bump, or handshake.Use visual prompts like a greetings poster on the wall, which can make the routine fun and help you stay consistent on busy days.This is not about being fancy. It is about being intentional and consistent, showing each student that they are seen and valued as part of your classroom community.Head here to grab my ready-made warm welcomes posters!Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!Resources and links: Take the "What's Your Teacher Type" Quiz Join The Behaviour Club My book! It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management The Low-Level Behaviour Bootcamp Browse all resources on TPT Free guide: 'Chats that Create Change' Connect with me: Follow on Instagram @the.unteachables Check out my website
#102: How to make this year more positive for ‘that’ student (and of course, for you)
Do you have a student who feels impossible to reach? You're not alone. As the summer holidays wind down, you might find yourself thinking about that student. They’re the one you’ve struggled with before, or the one whose reputation precedes them. It’s tough, and it’s okay to admit that. The good news is that you have the power to press the reset button and make this year better for them and for you.In this episode, I’m sharing practical strategies to help you break the cycle of negativity and start fresh. Whether you’re reflecting on last year or preparing for what’s ahead, this episode focuses on shifting your mindset, building bridges, and creating a plan for success.If you’re part of The Behaviour Club, be sure to check out this month’s training, Pressing Reset. It takes a deeper dive into this topic and provides a step-by-step plan to transform your approach.IN THIS EPISODE, I DISCUSS:Reframing your mindset: How separating the child from their behaviours can shift your perspective and open the door to connection.The power of a reset chat: Why starting the year with an open and collaborative conversation can plant the seeds for change.Building trust through small actions: How investing in their emotional piggy bank and catching the positive can transform your relationship over time.Practical strategies you can implement today to prepare for a better year with that tough-to-teach student.Behaviour change takes time, but every small step you take creates a ripple effect. Focus on what you can control, and you’ll be amazed at what’s possible!Have a question, comment, or just want to say hello? Drop us a text!Resources and links: Take the "What's Your Teacher Type" Quiz Join The Behaviour Club My book! It’s Never Just About the Behaviour: A holistic approach to classroom behaviour management The Low-Level Behaviour Bootcamp Browse all resources on TPT Free guide: 'Chats that Create Change' Connect with me: Follow on Instagram @the.unteachables Check out my website
Welcome to 'The Unteachables Podcast', your go-to resource for practical classroom management strategies and teacher support. I’m your host, Claire English, a passionate secondary teacher and leader turned teacher mentor and author of 'It's Never Just About the Behaviour: A Holistic Approach to Classroom Behaviour Management.' I'm on a mission to help educators like you transform your classrooms, build confidence, and feel empowered.Why am I here? Not too long ago, I was overwhelmed by low-level classroom disruptions and challenging behaviors. After thousands of hours honing my skills in real classrooms and navigating ups and downs, I’ve become a confident, capable teacher ready to reach every student—even those with the most challenging behaviors. My journey inspired me to support teachers like you in mastering effective classroom strategies that promote compassion, confidence, and calm.On The Unteachables Podcast, we’ll dive into simple, actionable strategies that you can use to handle classroom disruptions, boost student engagement, and create a positive learning environment. You'll hear from renowned experts such as:Bobby Morgan of the Liberation LabMarie Gentles, behavior expert behind BBC's 'Don't Exclude Me' and author of 'Gentles Guidance'Robyn Gobbel, author of 'Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviours'Dr. Lori Desautels, assistant professor and published authorAnd many more behaviour experts and mentors.Angela Watson from the Truth for Teachers Podcast.Whether you’re an early career teacher, a seasoned educator, or a teaching assistant navigating classroom challenges, this podcast is here to help you feel happier, empowered, and ready to make an impact with every student.Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode packed with classroom tips and inspiring conversations that make a real difference!