The podcast for women over 40 who want to lose weight, tone up and learn how to maintain their results so that they can live the life they enjoy without the has...
Think you need to feel worthy of results or need to have a positive mindset to see success... think again.If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.Links:Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form hereJoin our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join hereFollow:Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris
#238 - Starting Your Next Weight Loss Journey?
If you're about to start losing weight again, then this is for you. Listen in and we'll get you started correctly.If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.Links:Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form hereJoin our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join hereFollow:Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris
#237 - How Long Is Your List of Weight Loss Attempts?
Is this your 5th.. 6th.. maybe 7th time trying to lose weight? It gets tiresome so let's not keep chucking attempts on the pile and actually fix this problem.If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.Links:Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form hereJoin our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join hereFollow:Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris
#236 - What Even Is A 'Maintenance Phase'??
Maintaining weight is NOT the same as losing it.. as you might have realised when it came back on so let's pick this apart today.If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.Links:Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form hereJoin our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join hereFollow:Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris
#235 - Do You Even Know Why You Want To Lose Weight?
Losing weight isn't the goal, what you get when you lose the weight is the goal. Food for thought..If you loved this episode or learned something new help us get this information out to more women over 40 and leave a written review and 5 star rating on iTunes HERE.Or leave a review on Spotify HERE.Links:Learn more about our VIP Program: Fill out an application form hereJoin our Facebook group for more free trainings: Join hereFollow:Josh Humphris on Instagram: @joshhumphris
The podcast for women over 40 who want to lose weight, tone up and learn how to maintain their results so that they can live the life they enjoy without the hassle of future weight gain.